Friday, February 28, 2025

The Night in the Horror-Hotel

Our month long lurid love-In concludes with a Skywald freak-fest from the February 1974 issue of Nightmare #17. It's a rockin' little number that will hopefully serenade a few of you less-than-pleased commenters into a better "horror-mood" around here. Fantastic cover painting by bad ass Boada too! And lots more coming in March-- so stay tombed!


Bill the Butcher said...

That cover is gorgeous. Is there a story to go with it worth posting?

Brian Barnes said...

Awwww! I do like these little happy endings one; and if it's a good excuse for an artist -- seemingly half of the band Duran Duran -- to draw all sorts of freaks and weird stuff, all the better.

The alien reveal comes out of nowhere but I do like how it turns the first half of the story -- she isn't afraid of them because they are freaks but they are the wrong genetic material to test! It's much more wholesome that way!

The band is great! I love the random Frankenstein in the background, the groovy dracula, the hunchback bellboy.

All in that crisp B&W which really helps bring out the fine line work. There's a lot of fun to be had on all the pages. I like the rain work on the last page, that works well in B&W.

JMR777 said...

Well this story falls under the category screwball or curve balls galore-

The staff weren't a threat, they just wanted to live a normal life away from the sideshow and the stares of 'normal' judgmental people. Anyone who has been judged by others can sympathize with the hotel staff.

The husband and wife, presenting themselves as count and countess, readers were suspecting there was not only royal blood, but vampiric blood in their veins. It turned out they were not day sleepers after all.

The alien contact mission, completely out of left field, but it just fits in with this story of 'just go with the crazy.'

I could imagine this being turned into a comedy, played for laughs as each page gets wilder and wackier than the last. The husband stays cool throughout while the wife gets more flustered by the minute.

If nothing else, I am glad this was a happy ending type tale, a rarity in horror magazines.

Glowworm said...

This one is surprisingly wholesome. I love the Furry Freak Four and the little hotel manager is actually quite cute. To be honest, I was waiting for the vampire card to be played due to the couple being a count and countess and there being a castle in New England of all places. Then we get the reveal that Reed and Anne both have three eyes but while Reed is human, Anne is an alien. The alien part comes out of nowhere which makes it even more fun. Also nice to see that the aliens have a fairly benevolent mission and don't discriminate on humans' appearances. It's also cute the husband was eavesdropping on his wife's conversation with her alien friend and was perfectly fine with it.

Mr. Karswell said...

I can’t believe no one‘s mentioned how the whole alien angle just comes from out of nowhere, —you guys are seriously slacking!

BTX said...

A refreshing change of pace from Skywald’s usual nihilism. I’ll always love that 70’s era “Euro/Fillipino Mod” style of art. Duran clearly loved the chance to go wild and goofy…

JMR777 said...

After a second time reading this, it made me realize this is what Horrible Hall from the Groovie Goolies or Hotel Transylvania would be like with sideshow performers instead of monsters.

Mr. Cavin said...

I'm pretty sure I've said this before, but every time we get one of these dark and story night openers, what with the young newlyweds pitching up at some old dark household in desperation, I always want to paste the Rocky Horror dialog into the balloons. This one works especially well.

JANET: Oh Brad, I’m frightened. What kind of place is this?

BRAD: Oh, it's probably some kind of hunting lodge for rich weirdos.