***THOIA HALLOWEEN 2008 CONTEST!***Kind of a last minute concept I threw together here, but what the Hell… it’s Hallerin! And as long as you all have on your costumes today/tonight, how’s about you and a friend snap a pic of yourself all dolled-up together and send it to me? But there is a twist. And the reason I mention a friend is because of this:
See the THOIA banner up there at the top of my blog with the skeleton choking the lady? Yeah?
See the THOIA banner up there at the top of my blog with the skeleton choking the lady? Yeah?
And FYI: You don’t have to be a skeleton. Or a lady. You don’t even have to be choking someone. But you do have to be doing something horrific in your costume to the other person. So come on everybody, just do it. Kill your friend and send me the pic. You know you’re going to be in your costume anyway, just have fun and do it--- kill--- Kill--- KILL!! Extra consideration awarded to: Any degree of serious bloodshed, decapitations and mutilations, Satanism, nudity, or basically anything that would be deemed as “Seducing the Innocent.” The winner and victim both get a THOIA shirt and some additional extra surprises (still to be determined.) And as a bonus the winners will also be the guest star of my banner all next week!
Contest starts anytime on Halloween, and ends on Sunday night, November 2nd, so basically you have all weekend to put something together and email it to me at karswell@hotmail.com
One final detail: Who wants to play judge?
UPDATE: Mike Howlett, author of the forthcoming WEIRD WORLD OF EERIE PUBLICATIONS book, has graciously offered his judgemental services for our Halloween 2008 Costume Murderathon. All photos you send to me will be forwarded to him where he will make his final choice by midnight November 2nd. Winner will be announced the following day, and my banner will be updated with your most splendid atrocity act. I also want to extend a permanent invitation to everyone who can't get a photo in by Sunday night (like if you're doing an old school style photo developement drop off at Walgreens or something) that you can send a Halloween photo to me anytime, as I too will be forever judging and offering special runner up prizes until Doomsday.
Good luck, have fun, and kill with style!