Monday, February 10, 2025

A Fate Worse Than Death

We've got love taking the 'ol plunge over at AEET today (click the last image below in today's post for it.) Meanwhile, here at THOIA we're shooting for the scary 'ol stars! So yeah, speaking of a "match made in heaven" --eeek! From the May 1954 issue of Menace #11, (final issue), with art by Sy Moskowitz.


Glowworm said...

I'm going to be honest here. Llmr could have chosen better. Matt wasn't really that great looking, far as earth men go. He was also pretty darn shallow. I mean, why else would one of these Martian gals be stranded out there for a year before heading back to choose her intended mate? Okay, we saw it coming but Matt didn't. Puberty really was kind to Llmr!

JMR777 said...

Sy is channeling Wolverton in this one.

If this was turned into a anthology, Rodney Dangerfield would have been perfect as Matt.
"I don't get no respect from fate, no respect at all."

BTX said...

Wotta Jerk Matt was! Lucky in life… very unlucky in love…

Brian Barnes said...

Yeah, there's a lot Wolverton (the creature) and Wood (Llmr in the last panel is very Wood-ian type of female.). And it's all great; I like change ups in the art and I like stylist approaches. The art is overall pretty groovy in this one.

Matt is an absolute jerk in this. I mean, she is pretty cool and at least try to be a damn friend to the person that saved you! And frankly, she's pretty cool looking!

Not sure why they sent her out on a yearly banishment with a Daisy May dress but I'm not going to question their civilization!

BTW: This is another one that revolves around one character not mentioning the most important point of all to the other. I mean, it should be obvious to her to mention that she becomes more human like at the end of the year, but, that's the way the horror tale work!

Todd said...

Serves him right.

Grant said...

I wish I could throw stones when it comes to Matt's "shallow" attitude, but I can't. Obviously the suicide part is another matter, though.