Friday, January 19, 2024

When Witches Walked / The Haunted Castle / Howard's Vengeance

If you're one of those people who actually clicks on the hyper-linked issue name / number that I always provide here in these intros, then maybe you noticed in our previous post that our requested Artist of the WeekLin Streeter had not one, but two stories featured in that issue! And here is the other— a naughty little night train ride into terror, also from the June - July 1954 issue of Out of the Night #15! But up first, let's lovingly look at two nicely illustrated issue fillers, both featuring some really terrific work by Streeter, from the August - September 1950 issue of Adventures into the Unknown #12. Witches! Ghosts! Zombies! Satan! This is what you come to THOIA for, right?


Mr. Cavin said...

One of the things I like best about Streeter are all those groovy, swirly, stripey background details--patterns made by the trees and clouds and dirt and wood grain. And today's post paid off in spades! I think I like the splash panel of the witch filler best of all. I just love that witch on the left. Her clean design is more like an animation model than the usual pre-code horror illustration. It's perfect simplified cartooning, well-crafted for cell replication. I want to see her Halloween special on CBS TV!

The main story was fun. I always appreciate it when a "perfect murder" idea pops into somebody's head. Maaaybe I'm a little surprised Howard's doctors missed the obvious ligature marks on his forearms and ankles, but maybe they were environmental activists? Down with the lumber barons, man!

Glowworm said...

Funny, I actually don't remember this story and I've read tons of ACG horror comics. I'm quite amused though because my father's name is Howard! The witch story has actual historical people in it accused, convicted and put to death because of witchcraft. Of course whether or not any of them actually did such things is another story altogether.

Grant said...

Most of the artwork is genuinely spooky, but in "The Haunted Castle," it's funny that the "horrible, witch-like hag" looks a little more like a witch or ghost in a Casper cartoon!

Brian Barnes said...

Such a wealth of stories, it makes too much to talk about! The quickie multi story "history" ones can be interesting, but when it comes to witches, it's kind of hard to not imagine half of the real life ladies ending up under rocks or burned. I love that cat on the splash, though, all the witches look surprised at how cute it is!

Sure, Isobel Gowdie is "young and beautiful" but half the goth instagram pictures are low cut dresses, skulls, knifes, and a cat. Seen it!

Mr. Cavin pointed out the obvious problem with the "perfect" murder plot, but outside of that, it's actually a pretty decent idea -- and excellent train engine art, to boot. I've seen enough weird cars and bad planes to really enjoy a well drawn train!

Charles said...

Greyhound with the head of an ox is a pet you don't see very often.

Bill the Butcher said...

Lily was totally asking for that, going hiking in high heels. Wear boots, woman!

The horrible witch like hag was a hoot. Comedy films could hire her for the haunted house act.