Sunday, September 2, 2018

Slithering Terror

It's been a while since we've uncoiled a spooky snake tale around here-- so let's check in on a sinister snake worshipping cult and see what's biting! From the September 1953 issue of Beware #5, art by Henry Kiefer.

Need more slithery scares? CLICK HERE!


Brian Barnes said...

Here's an idea, Charles, RUN FOR IT. Nobody is going to buy that he was a were-snake!

On page 5, panel 3, the eye of the snake is moved further back. This might have been a mistake by the colorist, as Keifer has it forward most of the time.

I like the "twist" ending on this one. A real &^@*@ you to the audience! Slays the monster, but doesn't get the girl and instead gets the noose. Sombre news indeed!

This story follows my general rule: Never trust people with monocles.

JBM said...

Wow! how abrupt. Where is that last page? Enjoyed nonetheless. Thank you Mr. K

Mestiere said...
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Glowworm said...

Yeah this is a rare horror story from the 50s involving a good looking, likable couple that should end up safe and together by the end of the tale but instead ends rather abruptly with the protagonist accused of murdering his host and executed for his "crime." Yeesh, that got depressing fast.

Also, I like to think that as a snake, Ralik was still wearing his monocle.

Mr. Cavin said...

I always look forward to good old Serpent Sundays! Or Herpetology Holiday Weekends? Whatever the occasion, I have always wanted to see a precode story end like this, so I'm very satisfied now. This has a lovely attention-getting splash panel, too, with a villain ripped straight offa the cereal boxes. I also dig how the colorist really tried to keep up with the busy background wall art for the first two pages before dropping all that biz for mood-ring panel effects instead.

Grant said...

Along with the downbeat ending, any given reptile fan will roll their eyes at seeing the word "slimy" used for snakes once again. (They aren't slimy!)