Creature Double Feature Day, with two eerie horrors from the March 1953 issue of
Mystery Tales #9. It's wet and slimy
Joe Maneely creeps from the deep, vs. a fanged 'n hairy murderin' monstrosity by
Jim Mooney (maybe?) [ says Pete Tumlinson -- Nequam]--hold onto your money bags!
"How can I make her stay? Hm-m-m she is a woman… a female! All females are susceptible to… love!"
Carl Melton, ichthyologist and ladies' man.
Really great art on the first one. The coloring is just wild.
Thanks, Karswell!
Now I have copies of every story in Mystery Tales #9 except the cover story, "The Man in the Morgue." Any chance you could post that story as well?
A great double-feature indeed Karswell, THANKS!
"...his nausea at the fish-like odor she exhuded." YIKES.
For the Best in Suspense Stories...I always look for the ATLAS Seal on the Cover! Atlas kicks Ass! Freddy the Freeloader.
"I always wanted fame . . . but there's very little an ichthyologist can do to achieve it!"
"Okay, Tom! You're my husband . . . I'll listen to you!"
I love the dialogue in both of these. Über-realism at its finest.
Both of these are great! I particularly like the extremely dynamic art in LOST, and that wonderful aging sequence at the bottom of page 2. Great stuff!
And THE SPECIMEN reminds me of an Italian b-flick I reviewed recently, ISLAND OF THE FISHMEN. Even the creature designs are similar. And the art there is interesting as well, esp. the "flashback" panel at the top of pg. 2.
But when Carl gets grabby at the bottom of that same page--wow, could he BE any creepier? :P
Haha, awesome comments on this one... seriously, this is why I blog people. Thanks again!
Next Stop-- THE MORGUE!
i'm sorry, but NONE of that made sense! however, a grand time was had by all...
word verification- imiturr. now THAT makes sense!...
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