Thursday, September 25, 2008

Two Frightened People

A classic John Romita shocker from the Sept ‘53 issue of Journey into Unknown Worlds #22. All apologies on the late post... my brain just wasn't where it was supposed to be today.


blackwalnut2001 said...

Why, this post isn't late; it's just in time. Thanks for a fine story with several notable elements:

(1) heroine named Ylla;

(2) "Longest Finger Award" for 1953 (p. 4);

(3) classic grammar element ("The dust... have made me thirsty."); and

(4) an ending I really, really did not see coming a mile off.

Half a mile, okay.

You can't beat ATLAS!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad that someone got your brain back where it belonged, though the down-side is that Fritz then substituted a criminal brain.

Anonymous said...

Was your brain in the body of a Yithian? or was it in Professor Richter's body?

Todd Franklin said...

Always nice to see some of Romita's earlier work before he found his style.

Anonymous said...

fun story, and they killed the dog too!!! thats some great artwork

romita has always been amazing

blackwalnut2001 said...

Oh, YES...

(5) DOG killed.

Many good, many good...

Prof. Grewbeard said...

what a coincidence, i just watched the Hammer version of The Hound of the Baskervilles before coming here! is it an omen? too many dogs dead in one night for me...

re: brains- some say you have to lose your mind to keep it.

Mysterio said...

Fun story, if a mite predictable. In fact, the predictability helped make it fun!
And hey, was the blurb at the top ("So, laughing boy got the hot seat after all!") in reference to that tale about the malicious practical joker that was posted a few weeks ago? It certainly fits.

Unknown said...

Sad endings make me cry.

Mr. Cavin said...

Page four is totally a scene from the Jeffersons, or some other sound stage mid-seventies sitcom. If it's the Jeffersons, then George and Weezie are weathering the storm in their de-luxe apartment in the sky while hilarious upstairs neighbor, honky Tom Willis, keeps dropping in, trying to coerce them into coming up to dinner with him and his mixed-race daughter Jenny. George is scared that Tom is trying to turn them into werewhites like the rest of his family. All you have to do is insert the laugh track after panels three, five, and seven.

That's good TV!

Adriano (Adrio) Petrucci said...


Anonymous said...

Killing a dog---in the heyday of Lassie and Rin Tin Tin yet! How totally un-PC!

Anonymous said...

Never fear Karswell - I'm just glad it was your brain that was misplaced and not something worse - as always you are the master!

I really didn't see that one coming - that must be why I suck at figuring out mysteries! But for a vampire Josef is seriously a pussy - Ylla kicks his ass. Love the skulls just placed haphazardly all over the village. I kind of felt sorry for the crazy doctor and his killer mutt - you know he was so close to getting that formula right and reaching mad scientist acclaim and then those damn vampires showed up! "I would have been a great mad scientist if it hadn't been for you meddling vampires!"

Anonymous said...


Mr. Karswell said...

Since we're a bit off schedule today cuzza my lapse in sanity yesterday, I'll have today's (Friday's) story posted this afternoon. First we'll give everyone a chance to catch up this mourn, so actually it's almost like a two for one day, only ya's got gipped sorta on Thurs. Once again I apologize to the faithfuls among you who stop by here for your daily dose. Shouldn't happen again, especially to one Little Lady...

The ummm, "Master" has spoken!

Kitty LeClaw said...

Missed you yesterday. Oh, and the comix, too.