Valentine's Day is finally upon us, but we're far from the bitter end of our doomed love stories fest for the morbid month of February. And it doesn't get much more doomy than a whirlwind romance that suddenly turns murderous and suicidal in the simple span of 5 comic book pages, but here ya go none the less. From the December 1951 issue of Chamber of Chills #4, PLUS! a real gem from the Karswell Kard Kollection-- aka the saddest sunken lunk Valentine of all time! And if you're still hangin' around after that, an appropriate, though not very Valentiney, one-page bonus "True Tale of the Supernatural" from the Sept. 1950 issue of Challenge of the Unknown #6.
Friday, February 14, 2025
The Pale Light of... Death!
Wednesday, February 12, 2025
Fangs of the Panther
From one terrifying transformation tale beyond the stars (see our previous post), to another right here on Earth, let us now follow one man's ill-fated attraction to some bad pussy. From the Spring 1945 issue of All-New Comics #11, and with some ferociously fun art by Jerry Robinson, not to mention a funny little foreign sleuth of the supernatural, Professor Augustus Bonnard, who I'm not sure ever made another comic book appearance, (I didn't find anything related on GCD anyway, so please correct me if I'm wrong.) Yep, love is all around here at THOIA this entire month of February, it's even in the trees, and gasp! --here it comes now for your throat!
Monday, February 10, 2025
A Fate Worse Than Death
We've got love taking the 'ol plunge over at AEET today (click the last image below in today's post for it.) Meanwhile, here at THOIA we're shooting for the scary 'ol stars! So yeah, speaking of a "match made in heaven" --eeek! From the May 1954 issue of Menace #11, (final issue), with art by Sy Moskowitz.
Friday, February 7, 2025
ZERO: The Man Nobody Loved / Mission to the Spirit World
Friday Double Feature time again, and it's the return of ZERO Ghost Detective too! (See more ZERO HERE!) This time around, our favorite golden age ghost dick really has his hands full with a variety of supernatural evil! First up: "The Man Nobody Loved" finally, and unfortunately, finds himself a gal, from the February 1943 issue of Feature Comics #65, --followed by a super spooky "Mission to the Spirit World" via the November 1940 issue of Feature Comics #38.
Wednesday, February 5, 2025
Rendezvous with Death!
Time once again to turn up the heat of our fiendish February love fest with another precode tale of vicious Valentinery! Okay, I really like ACG stories sometimes, especially when they set-up two ding-dong knuckleheads in a scenario where they just can't manage to do anything correctly. Every single decision made is a bad one, and in the case of these two lovebirds, simply taking a trip to the old haunted family estate to search for a hidden fortune is only the start of their bad streak beginning. Love that wonderfully bleak ending as well... from the Oct - Nov. 1954 issue of Forbidden Worlds #34.
Monday, February 3, 2025
Ballad of Hanging Rock
I suppose it's been a bit since we traversed the terror trails of the weird west, so let's settle in now for a real dandy from the May 1986 issue of Elvira's House of Mystery #3. Every panel is locked and loaded with blazin' artwork by Angel Trinidad, Jr. And if you're wonderin' how this story fits into our macabre month of vicious Valentine love ballads from the beyond, well then, how about we just let the 'ol singin' bag of bones belt-out a beauty for ya, --you'll be swingin' along in no time.
Saturday, February 1, 2025
The Phantom Bridegroom
February is the month associated with pitchin' woo and hugs 'n kisses and all that lovey dovey junk --thanks as always to the voracious appetites of Valentines Day! So in usual / unusual THOIA fashion, all this month we'll be taking a lurid look at all romantically doomed things gone oh so horribly wrong. And we'll start it all off with a phone call from beyond the grave, via the July '44 issue of Terrific Comics #4.