How about another creature-feature from the March 1969 issue of Boris Karloff's Tales of Mystery #25 (see our previous post as well.) Sci-fi horror can sometimes be a mixed bag, but sometimes-- like today's post-- they can really give ya the willies! You long-time THOIA'ers might even remember a similarly freaky ACG Forbidden Worlds tale that I posted here waaaay way back in 2007 called "Nightmare for Two" --check it out after today's shivery story! And adios to January finally too. Stay tombed for lots more in February, where things are doomed to be diabolically romantical, as usual...
Wednesday, January 29, 2025
Monday, January 27, 2025
Time to check in at the 'ol horror movie studio and see how the new SPFX are working out! It's a fun quickie from the March 1969 issue of Boris Karloff Tales of Mystery #25, and thus proves once and for all that AI technology has ALWAYS had a monstrous mind of its own!
Friday, January 24, 2025
The Formula of Fate
If you're like me and a fan of Nina Albright's arresting artistic style, you'll find a lot to like about "The Formula of Fate" from the January 1944 issue of Terrific Comics #1. But this is also one heckuva crime horror / mad scientist hoot, with a tragically hilarious final reveal that actually made me LOL.
Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Dr. Nemesis
If you were looking for something different today in the world of Ace Magazines terror, then you definitely came to the right place! SEE! A crazy, throat slashing masked surgeon! Corpse play! Sexy nurses! Suicide! And a plague of Black Death infected rats unleashed! Whoa nelly, it seriously doesn't come more exciting and bonkers than this! Throw in a gloriously gory, and very unique two-page splash panel spread, (art by Bruce Currie) and it all adds up to non-stop, action packed fists o'fun in a hospital of horrors! According to the internet, Dr. James Bradley, aka "Doctor Nemesis" would also later go on to be the co-creator of the Human Torch android! From the June 1942 issue of Lightning Comics V3#1.
Monday, January 20, 2025
Step into the Mirror of Madness!
One final Marvel Tale for you today, and then we'll get back to the usual mix of other publishers (hope everyone enjoyed this brief journey into early Atlas horrorland) --and this is a really good entry about a hypnotically evil mirror portal straight to Hell. Thirty-eight years after this story from the August 1949 issue of Marvel Tales #93 was published, John Carpenter would direct his brilliant film, Prince of Darkness (1987) which also contains the same [SPOILER ALERT] axe shattering mirror thus trapping loved one for all eternity in other world limbo climax. Hope you enjoy another THOIA unhappy ending!
Saturday, January 18, 2025
Horror Under the Earth
One of the creepiest Al Eadeh / Atlas era monstrosities ever highlights this terrifyin' tale of horror from under the Earth. In our story, the creature is referred to as the "Cardiff Monster", not to be confused with the classic Cardiff Giant archeological hoax of the 1800's (CLICK HERE to read about it.) Still, it's a fun, fast paced and moody story, complete with a totally non-related, but none the less excellent, accompanying Bill Everett cover image. And apologies to those who notice how I completely bailed about half way through my own color-correcting process of this overly faded / yellow post too... from the February 1953 issue of Marvel Tales #111.
Thursday, January 16, 2025
A Coffin for Carlos
We've discussed the 'ol "bury you now, dig you up later" scheme in these scary old precode stories many times in the past, and it'll come as no spoilery surprise to learn that it doesn't work out in today's post either. But this time there's a twist, and it barely makes sense, --and bah, who cares? This is the stuff that made Atlas horror so great in the foist place, ya lousy bums! From the Dec. 1952 issue of Marvel Tales #110, with art by Don Perlin and Abe Simon (cover art by Russ Heath.)
Monday, January 13, 2025
Collector's Item!
I swear I've posted this superb Atlas classic here before... but searching the archive under keywords (I even searched under Zorna), as well as the Marvel Tales and John Forte tags, still nothing comes up. Oh well, if I'm wrong I'm sure someone will correct me. And if I am making an oversight, it's still a goddamn great story from the December 1953 issue of Marvel Tales #119, and very worthy of a repeat posting. John Forte continually proves he can draw a really gorgeous gal, --even if she's the most horrendously horrible female on Earth!
Saturday, January 11, 2025
The Thing in the Vault!
Following up our previous werewolf story with a terrifyin' tale about a trio of ancient vampire bros unleashed upon a small village --because three Nosferatus are always better than one! The title probably should've read, "The THINGS in the Vault", but no matter, this is one of the earlier, lengthier Marvel anthology entries, and at a whoppin' 11 pages, we get a more fleshed out story than the usual Atlas 4 or 5 pager. And though the climax feels a wee bit rushed, it's still a rollickin' ride through the 'ol creep infested countryside. From the July 1949 issue of Amazing Mysteries #33. Cover / story art by--???