Monday, January 13, 2025

Collector's Item!

I swear I've posted this superb Atlas classic here before... but searching the archive under keywords (I even searched under Zorna), as well as the Marvel Tales and John Forte tags, still nothing comes up. Oh well, if I'm wrong I'm sure someone will correct me. And if I am making an oversight, it's still a goddamn great story from the December 1953 issue of Marvel Tales #119, and very worthy of a repeat posting. John Forte continually proves he can draw a really gorgeous gal, --even if she's the most horrendously horrible female on Earth!


Mr. Karswell said...

FYI: Russ Heath cover art too!

Glowworm said...

I also could have sworn you've posted this one already. Regardless, this one's a hoot. You'd think that maybe the police would get suspicious of all the missing men who were last seen proposing to Zorna. I mean, they're all buried downstairs in her basement for crying out loud! I love the guy who collects pretty hands though!

Bill the Butcher said...

This was hilarious. Especially Zorna's "I must find him soon because there's hardly any space left down here!"

JMR777 said...

It turns out you did post this gem, only it was over on AEET when Blogger wasn't playing nice for a year or so.

Sometimes being an insomniac and having a mule headed/pig headed stubborn streak to search on no matter what has its advantages.

Here's to you Karswell for keeping horror comics and interesting stuff alive and well on THOIA and AEET!

Mr. Karswell said...

lol! Of course I did! Thanks JMR!