One of the greatest pre-code horror covers of all time, the
April 1953 issue of This Magazine Is Haunted #10… and honestly, the evil head didn’t really even need the fangs to be scary; they sure don’t hurt any though (except in the neck.) Throw it back!!!
This is one of my favorite covers from this series too, and the cover of #13
Haha! I KNEW it! :) And from fishing, you segue into the Neanderthal skull/head post. Nicely done. What next?
So exactly how big IS your comic collection anyway, Karswell? I imagine boxes upon boxes of comics stacked in the corridors of your decrepit castle, the paths between them booby trapped with wire and spring-loaded pikes...
>Nicely done. What next?
How about horrific bird feeding?
>So exactly how big IS your comic collection anyway, Karswell?
It's of couse not as big as I'd like it to be, but much much bigger than my wife can stand. She's got her own wing of the castle though for all her shit.
It's interesting to me how much more disturbing and frightening this simple yet powerful '50s cover is than say a modern Evil Ernie cover with 10 times more gore and 20 severed heads. People's ideas of what constitutes as horror these days is sometimes laughable. Even the most hardcore modern zombie in a Romero film is less effective than one illustrated by Jack Davis over 60 years ago.
>what constitutes as horror these days is sometimes laughable.
I agree with that about 95% of the time. The biggest problem with modern horror for me is that it tries to hard to scare you without realizing what could / should / would scare you simply and naturally. If it has to tell you why it's scary then 9 times out of 10 it's not. Unless of course you're a 13 year old girl.
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