Still milling about in this misty, mystic graveyard? Let’s stick with the same issue from yesterday and check out the chilling entry from
Vicious Vic Carrabotta… and keep repeating to yourself,
“It’s only a comic… it’s only a comic…”
Also from the February 1954 issue of Mystic #27
love the suicide in silhouette with brain matter blasting out the other side of his head!!!! also the very last panel is gorgeously laid out.
Carrabotta had a unique talent in cramming his panels to overflow with detail but still everything reads clear as a bell.
Excellent!!,enjoyed it even more than the last story,since im' a huge IWWZ fan and the zombie story,while beautifully drawn,was predictable,i genuinely didn't guess the ending here,i just thought the collars on the reaper's cloaks were artistic liscence,real subtle! i also love the fact that the ending can be interpreted 2 ways;snuff film?,or a condemnation of art films glorifying criminals?,also,love the use of dot shading.
Yeah, Atlas really had an amazing house of talent back then... I would love to see any other precode horror publisher of the era make this story work as well as this in only 4 pages too.
Scorsese in the director's chair!
That brings up a good point... when's Marty going to direct a real horror film?
Now that ending was hilarious. Justified all the plot holes in the stuff that went before. I just hope Tony didn't actually murder a cat. Did the SPCA or whoever monitor treatment of animal actors back then?
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