Hope you’re enjoying our little trip on the
Atlas dark ride this week. Here’s another shuddery classic but I’m not sure where this originally appeared as it’s scanned from my December 1973 issue of
Marvel’s Dead of Night #1, which contains reprints of all pre-code horror tales, (also see yesterday’s post from the same issue.) If anyone has any clues please forward them to me.
UPDATE! Clemmer Brigus (aka Randy) has informed me that this story is actually called "Step Right Into the…House of Horror" and first appeared in Adventures into Weird Worlds #6. Thanks Randy!
Both GCD and the Atlas site mention a 4 page story by John Forte called House of Fears (plural) from Astonishing #60 which I don’t own, but still, that seems too late in the run for this older art style, plus our story here is five pages long and not four. Helllllllp!!
All i can say is,nope this definitely isn't from ASTONISHING #60,unless of course one of the tyrants at the comics code was drunk(more so than usual.)and decided to let a zombie story slip through,also there is a possibility that this story was by Johnny Craig(WHAT!!?he shrieks!)because in the 60's and early 70's he did a few horror stories for marvels horror books,but given his reputation for being a copycat and a slowpoke,John Romita's"art raiders"heavily retouched his work,i think it could be a graig story since several panels seem to be by him(look at the cross-hatching and the guys face)others not,does that comic say its a reprint?
>does that comic say its a reprint?
Well the problem with this story is that it doesn't say anything, I'm only assuming it's a reprint because every other story in this issue is pre-code. Seems like they did this alot in these 70's reprints but I do know what you mean in that they could have possibly snuck in one new story, or one old story and altered the art or just simply changed the title. I have a story from an issue of Crypt of Shadows I'm going to post later this week called Ghouls in the Graveyard and I have no idea where it originally came from either, or who the artist is, the weird thing is it looks pre-code but it also looks like it could have been done by Jerry Grandinetti.
that's a neat story touch where the guy dies but everything through his zombie eyes now looks nice and normal......
I agree, explains why monsters tend to live in crumbling old spider and bat infested caves, crypts and / or castles.
I am going to take a guess that the story is from Adventures Into Weird Worlds #6.
I think the original story title is "Step Right Into the…House of Horror" Bur Marvel changed it to House of Fear for the reprint.
Though not complete, or entirely accurate, a good site to check out for info on Marvel reprints is http://www.geocities.com/mh_prime/archive.html
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