Tuesday, September 24, 2024

"The Doublecrossing Coffin"

Couldn't resist giving you another sweet taste of Nina Albright art (see previous post), and this time from the Winter 1945 issue of Suspense #10. And while not exactly a full-fledged "horror tale", the shadowy murder sequence on the staircase, and creepy crypt robbin' atmosphere panels certainly make it feel like one, even if our leading lady here qualifies as one of THOIA's "Stupidest Killers" (check the archive!) We also have a GA host making his THOIA debut, and calling himself "Mr. Nobody." He certainly seems to have been the long-coated, hat-headed inspiration for many comic book hosts to come, ie: The Mysterious Traveler, The Phantom Stranger, etc...

1 comment:

JMR777 said...

She was not so much a stupid killer as a stupid robber. By leaving a note behind, wouldn't the police check to see if her handwriting matched, or were the police just as stupid?

The art was great, the plot twist was clever, though we will never know if she died of a guilty conscience or if the old miser came back for the last laugh.