I unwittingly stumbled upon a theme when I started scanning this tale from the March - April 1977 issue of
The House of Mystery #251. Thinking it was just another similarly themed story to help further promote my new
MUMMIES book (available everywhere
NOW-- and
HERE too!), lo and behold as it turns out, in relation to our last post-- this rebel rouser of a yarn is also about a princess! And to make things even more fun, let's resurrect another theme we used to utilize around this blog a lot back in the day by giving it the 'ol
CASTING CALL routine. I mean, seriously, when I look at blonde haired
Amelia Dole in this story, I can't even begin to imagine anyone else but
Diana Dors playing the role-- but what say about
Farook?! Give us a good actor, old or new for the part... maybe the best answer will win something from the
Karswell Kollection too! Let's hear whatchooz got!
(NOTE: This story is NOT in my new MUMMIES book.)
If there's any problem with this one, it's that almost EVERYONE has heard of that tradition (and not just with Egyptian Pharaohs), so that's a big clue to the ending. But I liked it either way.
It's tempting to think that the writer and artist were thinking of a lot of different blonde bombshell entertainers when they came up with Amelia. She looks kind of like Diana Dors, the voice makes me think of Barbara Nichols, and I'm sure there are a few others.
Farook should be played by Michael Berryman in a fat suit with some color make-up.
When it comes to Amelia's "casting call," the list could go on and on. In A FEW pictures she could be Mamie Van Doren. In fact, if she had an all-out California type look, she could even be Joy Harmon!
When it comes to Farook, maybe Abraham Sofaer or Jay Novello (because of comical Arabs I've seen them play).
I'm really awful at the casting call stuff, and I know everything from Karswell's Haunt is cursed and he's just trying to hand off that demon contract, so, I'm talking about the story!
The story, eh, it's 70s DC stuff. Never my favorite, but workable.
The art is *great*. I don't know enough 70s DC to know if this artist was big or did a lot of work (GCD has her at around 700 stories), but it's got that same cartoon-y vibe that Ploog had. It's nowhere near Ploog's talent, but it's like a punk rock version of Black Sabbath. Good uses of shadows and lighting, too.
Amelia: Kelly Osbourne
Farook: Alfred Molina
For Farook I would pick Jackie Wright, the little bald guy with glasses that received the multiple slaps on the head from Benny Hill.
For Amelia, one of two choices, Benny Hill (to make the story a funny farce) or Anna Nichole Smith (no insult to the late Anna Nichole Smith intended, but were she still alive she would, or was, Amelia in real life without the mummification).
I love a story with a good comeuppance. As soon as I saw Farook, all I could think of was John Carradine. With Mae West as Amelia for sure!
Well, I don't think I can come up with anyone better than Diana Dors. That's pretty inspired. I think maybe Norman Fell could play Farook, but he'd still need a fat suit. Be funny, though.
Ramona Fradon is exceptional! I can't believe I've never even heard of her (a byproduct of me not being much of a DC reader). Usually when I see cartooning done this well, I assume the artist is a moonlighting animator. But nope, this woman's just versatile as all getout. Most of her superhero stuff doesn't look very much like this, but her stints on Plastic Man do (and Brenda Star is cartoony in a whole 'nother way).
Anyway, thanks for the introduction!
Maxene Fabe sounds like a pseudonym to me, but she has 21 stories over 5 years at DC. This happens to be her very last one. Jerry Bails Who's Who lists she was an editor at Crowell and also wrote the novel "Death Rock" (1972). This appears to be her: https://www.linkedin.com/in/maxenefabemulford
This was hilarious. The - I'm guessing - New York Irish accent, the extremely unlikeable protagonist, the absolutely wonderful comeuppance; the great art - I don't even intend to nitpick about the million and one holes in the tale, from modern pharaohs to instant mummification. It just adds to the humour.
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