A double shot of haunted horrors erupted from the bowels of the Earth last week: HAUNTED HORROR #24 from the ongoing bi monthly series, as well as the HH Volume 4 hardcover collection "Candles for the Undead and Much More!" featuring issues 10-12 PLUS bonus tales not found in the individual issues! I have some sneak peeks at each release for you today, and hey-- if you're having trubz finding HAUNTED HORROR in your town, drop me a line-- good 'ol Mr. Karswell has the hook-up for signed back issues and whatever else your screaming soul craves!
The Thing from the Center of the Earth read like a post-code 50s Kirby monster story. Even the title is close, but at Atlas it would be "Gyugio: The Thing from the Center of the Earth!!!!"
I always liked these tales, you really, really have to suspend disbelief (I'd believe the story below before this one!) but it's all a rip-roaring, square-jawed but draw with a weird receding hairline hero vs monster fight.
If Eerie Pubs did this one the panel of the monster blowing up would get it's own page, and the entire party would get covered with gore!
I remember"Epitaph" from when I was a young kid. I used to buy what I called "scarey comics" everytime I could dig up a dime. When was that and what comic book was it in. I had a pretty good collection until my mother read the Parents Magazine aricle on juvenile delinquency and destroyed them.
The belief in unknown creatures living underground has been a staple in horror stories for decades if not centuries. Nowadays many would scoff at the idea of unknown creatures living deep underground, though scoffers would be quickly put in their place when the proof is presented to them, such as this-
Could giant creatures exist underground? I have my doubts since there wouldn't be enough food available deep underground for giants to survive, though I know better to never say never.
It is fascinating and a little bit unsettling to realize how little we know about our world, especially what goes on and lives underground.
Ah, it's the old Guy de Maupassant story "Was It A Dream?"...
The Thing from the Center of the Earth read like a post-code 50s Kirby monster story. Even the title is close, but at Atlas it would be "Gyugio: The Thing from the Center of the Earth!!!!"
I always liked these tales, you really, really have to suspend disbelief (I'd believe the story below before this one!) but it's all a rip-roaring, square-jawed but draw with a weird receding hairline hero vs monster fight.
If Eerie Pubs did this one the panel of the monster blowing up would get it's own page, and the entire party would get covered with gore!
Love the big panel on the 5th page of 'Epitaph'. Looks like some sort of undead art class.
The googly-eyed host cracked me up.
I remember"Epitaph" from when I was a young kid. I used to buy what I called "scarey comics" everytime I could dig up a dime. When was that and what comic book was it in. I had a pretty good collection until my mother read the Parents Magazine aricle on juvenile delinquency and destroyed them.
Thing from the Center of the Earth originally appeared in the June 1952 issue of Tomb of Terror #1
Epitaph originally appeared in the March 1954 issue of Weird Mysteries #9
The belief in unknown creatures living underground has been a staple in horror stories for decades if not centuries. Nowadays many would scoff at the idea of unknown creatures living deep underground, though scoffers would be quickly put in their place when the proof is presented to them, such as this-
Could giant creatures exist underground? I have my doubts since there wouldn't be enough food available deep underground for giants to survive, though I know better to never say never.
It is fascinating and a little bit unsettling to realize how little we know about our world, especially what goes on and lives underground.
I'm glad to read those comments, since I've always been a cryptozoology fan.
"Could giant creatures exist underground? I have my doubts, since there wouldn't be enough food available deep underground for giants to survive."
They could eat each other like, you know, gerbils.
Since nobody else has pointed it out, I will: the second tale is taken from a Guy de Maupassant story, "Was It A Dream?"
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