Tuesday, December 22, 2009
When Satan Comes A-Creeping!
If you were uncomfortable with the brutal amount of violence towards cats in our last post, you may want to altogether skip today's tale from the Dec '71 /Jan '72 issue of The Witching Hour #18. And in case you missed the news, (along with the continuation of our Hail Satan Month) all this week THOIA is also "Flash Forwarding" into the horrific Silver Age with tales from DC's excellent Witching Hour series. There's lots more on the way too, plus a few other surprises!

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superstar, shuperstar...(sorry, had to beat everyone else to it!)
none of our cats would have put up with that stuff!...
DCs Witching Hour! Hurray!!
As to this tale, turning the table on a witch can be very tricky business. I have tried it myself and suffered the exact same fate as the unfortunate squire in this fine tale, minus the riches and the beautiful house, of course.
Loved the artwork and would love to pretend I recognized the artists, but I didn't. It's Nick Cardy for both pencils and inks, according to GCD. Should have known.
Enough with the cats - they have a way of getting even, you know! Merry Christmas, Karswell, to you and yours. You have done beautiful work this year. -- Mykal
>sorry, had to beat everyone else to it!)
You've done it again Prof!
>It's Nick Cardy for both pencils and inks, according to GCD.
Nick Cardy did the cover of this issue, the actual credits for the story itself are as follows:
Script:George Kashdan
Pencils:John Calnan
Inks:Vince Colletta
>You have done beautiful work this year.
Thanks again Mykal, and know the world is definitely a much better place now too with the addition of your awsome blogs (everyone check them out!)
Then head over to Killer Kittens!
Karswell: Crap! I stand corrected. Sloppy work on my part. Just glanced quickly at the GCD. I really feel foolish as I'm a fan of Colletta's inks. Serves me right for being a smartypants. Thanks. I'm gonna head on over to Kitty's now. -- Mykal
Loved the art, but the ending was kind of a letdown. So, the greedy, arrogant, cruel lord gets his comeuppance by… being married to an ugly woman? I've got a spell for you, Lord Harold, to avert this "horrible" fate – it's called divorce.
I thought the ending was pretty good, it's probably not as easy to divorce oneself from the supernatural as one would like to think!
The minister doesn't seem disturbed by a wedding where the groom has a cat held by the throat in his hand.
Awww... Satan looks like my lil Luciano! (Luciano sometimes seems like he has Satan in him, too! Lil bugger!)
Check out the ad for the skin head wig. "For the executive that would like to change his appearance."
First off, who would have any faith in the competence of a man who shows up to work wearing that thing? "Baxter, now that you appear to have ill-fitting flesh toned latex haphazardly covering your hair, I'm promoting you to full partner!"
Second, how many executives are reading comic books and are in the market for a $1.00 skin head wig? I'd want a high quality $3.00 or $4.00 skin head wig myself.
>Crap! I stand corrected.
Haha, no worries Mykal... I do the same thing all the time and have on occasion posted incorrect info. Sometimes I catch it in time to save face, but mostly the readers do for me.
>the ending was kind of a letdown.
Depends on your point of view... did the ending work for you over at KKFBTG? In case anyone missed it, Kitty's story post is pretty much the same story as mine with a few diff details (it's why we posted them together.)
>probably not as easy to divorce oneself from the supernatural as one would like to think!
Probably not! Wedding into witchcraft undoubtably has it's own set of rules to follow.
>The minister doesn't seem disturbed by a wedding where the groom has a cat held by the throat in his hand
What? You've never been to a wedding where cat choking was on the agenda? (it usually happens right after the tossing of the garter belt.)
>Awww... Satan looks like my lil Luciano!
Mike, this I gotta see!
>"Baxter, now that you appear to have ill-fitting flesh toned latex haphazardly covering your hair, I'm promoting you to full partner!"
Haha, good one 8th Ray! You win the Honor House "Surprise Package" gift! My fave thing on that ad is the Exhaust Whistle... not the actual item itself but the art and lettering in the ad which is beautifully illustrated and doesn't even come close to matching anything else in the entire ad.
Well gang, our next post will be on xmas eve, or make that Xmas Evil! So I guess I should cave a little and try to find something a bit in the theme of the horriday... and oh yeah, it's coming...
Karswell, you are a 'shuperstar'!
great post, and that last ad page is burned into my memory from reading it over and over as a kid - never did buy those x-ray specs!
Great story and great art. Vinnie Colletta at his scratchy best.
Satan Claws knows when you've been good or bad, so be good for goodness sake!
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