From the Sept. '52 issue of Baffling Mysteries #10

So, THOIA returns for a quick fix, we hope everyone didn't miss us too much. As mentioned in the last post we will not be daily anymore, at least not for the next few months, but there will be new posts occasionally, at least a couple a week--- so please keep it tuned right here!
We very much appreciate everyone who still came by and commented during our hiatus too, and welcome to all those who recently joined the 100% Pre-Coders Followers gadget!
Lots more to come, Stay Creepy...
Bonus ACE Quickie

It's great to see you again, Kars; thanks for posting another gem.
Regarding the one-pager, Baffling Mysteries #12:
I think the artist forgot to show us the bottle of Scotch the night watchman had in his back pocket.
Welcome back, Karswell! I didn't expect you'd return so soon. How's the break been?
Two things concerning today's tale:
1. The Killer Queen's Realm of Evil would be an awesome name for a blog.
2. Scarred Hal totally looks like Harvey 'Two-Face' Dent.
"It's good to get home after hours of shopping..WHA-HOLY SHIT!"
Welcome back! Wow, this was a great one...the wild hairpin-turn plot developments, from the phantom Hal to the decomposed flight attendants to the sudden Ancient Evil Cult appearance--almost too much! Which is, of course, never enough...
I have to hand it to Ruth--apart from that initial fainting spell, she seems pretty rough-and-ready for whatever came her way! Logically piecing out the clues Hal left, radioing for help from the NIGHTMARE FLIGHT (and talking to the most dismissive air traffic controller ever..."Look, I don't know how you got this frequency that only planes in the air can use, but you can't be flying anywhere, so stuff it!") and finally TCB with the Demon Queen...I'm definitely picking her for my "Evil Ass-Kicking Team," hands down.
Hal's inherited powers were pretty boss, it has to be said. Not only can he project himself, leaving magic changing/self-destructing photo messages, and purchase airline tickets by telepathy, he can also create a plane and crew out of thin air to get his favorite mortal out to the swamp, without the demon queen even noticing! And yet, he can't swing a thorn branch. Magic is funny that way.
I loved the decomposing crew's advice: "Don't be frightened by things you don't understand!" I can't help it! Things I don't understand scare the crap out of me! ;)
Also: I had no idea quicksand sucked your soul out in addition to drowning you. They really ought to put up signs around that shit.
Good to see you back, Karswell! Hope your break was restful. NOW GET TO WORK! ;)
Thanks for feeding our addiction with this one, I'll be patiently waiting for more whenever they come.
"Totalilly", eh? I would say that Karswell is kilk ass.
ah, it's great to get home after a long day of not shopping to find- a new THOIA post!
Excellent story, Karswell. Glad to see THOIA in my blogfeed again!
Happy Easter!
Can't believe there are already ten comments. Love everything about this, from the first half where it's quaint and spooky to the second half where it's just plain nuts.
"You cannot escape me! I will delight in personally immersing you in the pit, fool Earth creature!"
Believable dialogue would have reduced the queen to a low card. No! No! Not those cursed thorns of doom!
Hope you are well, O Webmaster.
Loved the ghastly are in this one. Good to have you posting again. I was surviving on archives.
"Welcome back Mr Kot-TER!" I'm sorry---I think Mr Freddie "Boom Boom" Washington said that first.
Happy Easter!
The tree's leaves are all rotted; and the moaning in the tomb has satrted again...Karswell's back!
Really dig the monster designs; and the beginning is just great. Just walking through the door to somenthing like that; awesome.
Funny that Hal was compared to Two-Face when the disfigurement's on the wrong side; reminded me of a Batman story where someone frames Two-Face and is found out because he forgot which side was the scarred one.
I do kinda wonder what Ruth would have looked like as one of those monsters, though.....
Please check out my blog for details on a Frankenstein art project.
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