Here’s a great
Lou Cameron tale with a spooky haunted carnival setting. There are some really stunning visuals here, two panels in particular are my favorites, one with the dilapidated old carousel in silhouette, and the other with the grisly witch’s skeleton smoldering on top of the old lady’s corpse. This is one story you won't soon forget...
From the February 1953 issue of Web of Mystery #17
Tomorrow's ACE story is also from Lou Cameron...
Beautiful artwork. Reading these pre-code horror comics has opened up a new world for me...I was an EC purist before and felt all the other pre-code stuff was not worth reading.
Alot of people think like that because of years of misinformation from comic dealers and even comic book historians themselves. I started this blog in response to endless things I've read where people bad mouth anything not EC and it really got on my nerves. As you can see from my 100+ posts here (and not a single EC story), there's alot of great stuff out there still to explore. EC may definitely be the cream of the crop but they also produced some clunkers occasionaly, and likewise for all the other pre-code horror publishers, you got healthy doses of good with the bad.
it doesnt get much better than this for me either ,at least until i see tomorrows lou cameron story! thanks for the really great posts
wow, what a whacko story! The logic is surrealistic and dreamy, with wonderful art to match. Thanks!
You said i'd love this one in your last post,and it's true;while i consider "name from the netherworld" superior plot-wise,i love the art in this one!this plot is good but the pace is wonky,but it's more than enough made up for in the artwork and layout.
The feeling I get from these ACE stories is that whoever wrote the scripts probably didn't have much concept on how an artist would actually be able to translate it all visually into a 7 page story. But when you get a guy like Lou Cameron working on it he really goes for the gold no matter how wonked out the pacing gets. ACG is guilty of this alot too.
this one felt EPIC. I love the spooky carnival stuff and the art here is outstanding. The zombie/ghostly carnival barker panel beats all.
My only gripe is the alls-well that ends-well ending. Que sera.
If EC were the kings of the twist ending, then ACE (and ACG) were the kings of the happy ending. No biggie... at least I haven't come across one yet where Jesus saves the day.
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