Thursday, July 25, 2024

Haunted House

Have we had enough stories this month already about haunted houses? Oh, I assure, we most definitely have not-- and especially when we haven't entered one so superbly illustrated as by the masterfully cinematic hand of Karswell favorite, King Ward. Now, how this terrific tale from the Fall 1948 debut issue of Adventures into the Unknown #1 is only just now finally getting posted here at THOIA is an even bigger mystery! From a script by Weird Tales pulp pro legend, Frank Belknap Long --and what a great Ed Moritz cover design too!

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

The Night of the Poltergeists

Doctor Graves is back for one more supernaturally creepy, Charlton encounter, and it's another petrifyin' pile-on of poltergeists to boot! From the February 1970 issue of The Many Ghosts of Doctor Graves #18, with diabolically damned art by Golden Age great, Don Perlin (plus a Ditko cover art assist as well!) Hope everyone enjoyed this mini-fest of Charlton chills 'n thrills, I promise we'll get back into the regular mix of things for the rest of the month-- stay tombed!

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Poltergeist / Army of the Dead!

Today's dreary Sunday matinee is another Charlton horror double-feature, a pair of supernatural weird war tales to really wake up your weekend. Both stories are from the Ghostly Tales series, with #55  being the actual April - May 1966 debut issue of its lengthy run. But up first, a really wild Russ Jones jolter from the August 1972 issue of Ghostly Tales #97, (I wonder if Ditko jumped in on that last page?)

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Those Tentacles! / Slimes, Slogs and Glumps

The Charlton creeps are eruptin' from the deep today at THOIA, with a nice 'n icky drippy pair-up via the June 1975 issue of Ghostly Tales #106, as well as one from the November 1982 issue of Scary Tales #35 --and both illustrated by the terrifyingly terrific, Tom Sutton too! Things from the murky, lurky depths hold a special place in my heart-- maybe these slimy thingies will hold you in a special place-- in their stomaches! (2nd tale scans courtesy of Holden, thank you!)

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

The Possessor

I think we'll stick with Charlton for a few more posts, and that means more sinister Sanho Kim creepiness as well! This is a neat tale of supernatural evil in a haunted house, and Kim does another great job with the atmospheric, clifftop setting, and those spooky characters of his possessing uniquely cramped, intense faces. From the Jan. '73 issue of The Many Ghosts of Doctor Graves #46... Charlton liked this story so much they reprinted it a few more times, even into the 80's.