I’m giving away an extra copy of the
August 1954 issue of
Tales of Horror #12. This copy isn’t in the greatest shape but it is complete, and it’s 100%
FREE. Let’s call it a
G – VG. So here’s the deal: below are 6 random screen captures from some 70’s horror films, whoever correctly names / identifies the most films (by the number in the bottom left-hand corner of each) wins, or the first person to name them ALL correctly wins. Enter as many times as you like, you can change your answers, use life-lines, wild guesses, whatever it takes.

FYI: since so many of you post anonymously all entries should include a name and an email address (you don’t want someone else taking credit for your impeccable film knowledge!) You may also email your answers here:
karswell@hotmail.com The winner will be announced on
February 1st. Good luck!
#1 is a Spain / Italy production
#2 stars a Frank Zappa look-a-like
#3 the director died in a helicopter crash
#4 stars a famous male actor with a woman’s first name
#5 was made for TV
#6 was originally rated X in the UK