Keepin' things
Creepy around here for a few more posts, and this one from the August 1974 issue of
Creepy #64 concerning
"the dregs of the dead rising up to claim the wealth and affluence they could never have in life! Up from the Earth they push; anyone in the way-- dies!" and featuring the usual super moody atmosphere from
Vincente Alcazar.
PLUS!! Don't miss
Drazen Kozjan's amazin' 15 part epic Halloween horror feast
The Happy Undertaker blog-- click
Moench and Jones (and Goodwin before them) were always the anchor of the Warren writing teams.
Moench's early Creepy work was always a little too EC-ish, but once he started putting in a number of then relevant social issues, his writing really grew.
This is a great piece of work, in both story and art.
WOW - excellent post!
Powell,Zombies,Jack Davis EC stories artist's better 2012 can be?
That's my favorite Bodé / Todd cover collaboration, I think. I probably bought this issue when I was ten years old.
Ah, the seventies. How quaint. Guess the zombies were 99%'ers?
"A ghetto of graves...."
Love it.
Beautiful dangling eyeballs by Alcazar!
Haha, great comments... thanks to everybody stopping by for our Creepy Fest 2012, a few more tales on the way!
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