If you've been enjoying the art in these last few
Ace Comics posts then you're going to love today's satanic story from the Jan. '54 issue of
Baffling Mysteries #19. So many great visual moments in this one, (and you leg lovers can thank me later too for a couple panels!) For more stories from this demonic issue check the
THOIA Archives for
"The Monster Maker" and
"They Strangle By Night."
Bonus one-pager (same issue)
"Beautiful Zelda/ leave me alone/ go on back to the Twilight Zone..."
-Bonzo Dog Band
beautiful art, great story and fitting too when reviewing the history of illusionists, they almost always featured devils in their advertisements, implying that their powers came from ol' Lucifer himself...
oh yeah, couldn't pass up "then seal the bargain by grasping my wand!" that's how you get ahead in showbiz! ahead?...
>that's how you get ahead in showbiz! ahead?...
Haha, good one Prof!
And good question ALL CAPS--- is this Lou Cameron? He usually signs his stuff but some of this does look like his style in the details. Hard to say, though it's a definite that the Ace guys were good.
love the hell out of the new avatar!
>love the hell out of the new avatar!
Thanks Mykal, there isn't a more appropriate square on the Chutes 'n Ladders board than that one for me.
Wow, barely a half dozen comments on this one... must be that time of the year.
. . .Wow, barely a half dozen comments on this one... must be that time of the year.
I haven't been blogging long enough to know - is there a seasonal dead spot with comments? I got my first goose egg ever recently with comments - the big zero. Quite the humbling. 6 would have been a goddamn bonanza, so quit your bitchin' ;-)
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