What would the horrordays be without a visit from jolly 'ol St. Nick, eh? And don't worry, I haven't forgotten about jolly 'ol Satanis either... but first up,
"Never Kill Santa Claus" from the February 1973 issue of
The Witching Hour #28, followed by a xmas themed ouija board text tale and (not forgetting an entry for our
Devilcember theme) a two-page
Kaluta Halloween classic (can't let xmas have all the fun now, can we?) called
"Trick or Treat", both from the Feb-March 1970 issue of
Witching Hour #7.
That first story has a nice twilight zone/night gallery feel to it - fantastic payoff on that last page!
Love Kaluta, but the story was to short!
Thanks for delivering yet another horrific post, Karswell!
(PS - Hey, I'm really not trying to plug my own blogs here, but if you like demented Santa's, meat cleavers and murder, drop on by...)
Happy Horrordays!
Beautiful horror cover, great post Kars... HAPPY HOLIDAY!
Karswell: I am really going to have to start digging up this title. Great stuff. Loved the ending - talk about childhood trauma! The next scene is a street view of all the children screeching in hysteria and terror into the Christmas streets, knocking over corner Santas in their sheer, unbridled horror! Some will surely need years of therapy - "I keep seeing Santa's melting, fleshless face! Every year the nightmares return!"
Merry Christmas, you spooky son-of-a-gun! -- Mykal
That cover is truly ghoulish! {shudders} Good story too.
I also like the last panel, the haunted house in "We Double Dare You."
Killing Santa would sort of be like killing the goose that laid the golden egg, right?
A fine Horrorday to you, Karswell! You deserve great things... I hope you get them.
Merry Christmas Karswell, and thanks for all the goodies this year!
A great tale, and well illustrated to boot. My snobbish prejudice against 70s horror comics is starting to mellow a bit, and I'm beginning to appreciate them more(though they are still inferior compared to pre code).
And who would've thought that Chuck Heston would star in such a story as the man who kills Santa?
Merry Christmas to Karswell and all the regulars who haunt this fantastic blog!
I remember buying this ish of WITCHING HOUR, and panting after that sexy hostess! GrrrRRRRrrr!
Thanks for this, and Merry Kristmas, Karswell!
Awww, is that a tear in the 2nd panel of the last page, or is his flesh just melting early?
Happy chrismahannakwanazakaramasabbath to everyone!
I appreciate everyone that stopped by today and left comments, thank you, thank you... and hope you're all experiencing a bearable holiday loaded with wonderful gifts and tidings of great horror. Enjoy your festivities and know that THOIA will be right back soon with plenty more Satanic joys to help darken the world.
Tah for now!
i was thinking of killing a santa but after this now i know better. hope you have a Merry one Karswell!
I wonder whether the fourth panel of “Trick or Treat” is meant as an allusion to Ingel's “How's Bajou?” or to Barrymore's Hyde or to both.
BTW, Merry Christmas to you, Karswell!
Awesome post! Happy Holidays to you, too!
Thanks again for the continuing comments!
Those kids were in therapy for years after and traumatized every time they saw an image of Santa!
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