But first, dive into the sea, and fall in love with the---

Did you read today’s story? When you got to the excruciatingly vague narrative in the final panel, did your brain snap? So howz'about you do us all a favor and finish this mother out. In a nutshell, explain to everyone what it is that is “too intricate for mere man to comprehend.” Unless of course you are just a mere man or woman with no comprehension of what could have possibly happened next. And yes dearest contestants, that is my challenge to you.
You have until Friday, October 3rd MIDNIGHT to give us your best answer, it can be posted here on THOIA in the comments section, but please include your name---this is very important! Or be super secretive and email your stunning finale directly to me at karswell@hotmail.com So make it good, make it shocking, make it disturbing, or maybe make it sexy. Whatever you do though please make it interesting because people ::more drum roll:: Dr. Phibes will be judging! And, simply put, he is the most harsh and unruly of all THOIA Judges.
You have until Friday, October 3rd MIDNIGHT to give us your best answer, it can be posted here on THOIA in the comments section, but please include your name---this is very important! Or be super secretive and email your stunning finale directly to me at karswell@hotmail.com So make it good, make it shocking, make it disturbing, or maybe make it sexy. Whatever you do though please make it interesting because people ::more drum roll:: Dr. Phibes will be judging! And, simply put, he is the most harsh and unruly of all THOIA Judges.
He even has a few words for you now, so listen up, yo:

To all my friends at THOIA:
Karswell has asked me to pass judgment on today's contest. (He also gave me a strange piece of parchment, but I'm not sure what that is about.) Anyway, I'm looking for creativity. Remember, I once killed a man with a unicorn head and a catapult. I want to hear the craziest logic, the most far fetched scenarios. Lay it on thick and heavy, like the makeup I wear to hide my hideous skull face. I look forward to your responses, which I'll have Vulnavia read to me while dancing to my Clockwork Wizards band.
Good Luck.
---Dr. Phibes
PRIZE: The lucky 1st place winner gets a THOIA tee shirt and some extra surprise bonus stuff... and one runner-up will get their bloody paws on something spooky cool too. If you’ve already won a THOIA shirt in the past I’ll give you something else, probably from my DVD or longbox collection. Winners will be announced on Saturday morning, October 4th.
Good luck to all! Now, play dirty…
PRIZE: The lucky 1st place winner gets a THOIA tee shirt and some extra surprise bonus stuff... and one runner-up will get their bloody paws on something spooky cool too. If you’ve already won a THOIA shirt in the past I’ll give you something else, probably from my DVD or longbox collection. Winners will be announced on Saturday morning, October 4th.
Good luck to all! Now, play dirty…