Merely saying the magical words: “
Matt Fox” is surely enough of an introduction here today, but I’d be a poor blog host if I didn’t also say thanks to
Brian Hirsch for once again contributing some great story scans! Okay, this actually is
Matt Fox too though, right? Someone at
Atlas Tales seems to think so... and I think he's right. [Now they think it's Fox inks over Larry Woromay pencils. -- Nequam]
From the May 1953 issue of
Strange Tales 18
Vintage Matt Fox Art Posters (ad)
And how awesome is the word "Spookdracular" ?!
EVERYTHING in this comic is unbelievably great ; I guess the "witch hunt" theme was not an easy one in the fifties , considering the metaphorical significance one could see with a different "witch hunt" going on , in this story it is treated in a very modern and unconventional way ;as you say , Matt Fox is enough as an introduction for anyone who has even a little idea of pre-code comics , the I think this is one of his best efforts from the first to the last panel , but the close-up of the snarling cat in page two is my favourite ...
Thanks for sharing
Bah. Catnip grows wild in graveyards. Everybody knows that. String that poacher up.
I agree with Silvano about the quality of Matt Fox's work here. Sometimes I think Mr. Fox is more suited to fine art than graphical storytelling (or possibly more suited to the counter-culture crossbreeds of the late eighties New York scene--Fox would be right at home, I think, in RAW). But this one story here proves me quite wrong. This is a fantastic showcase of both his stunningly evocative artwork as well as his ability to lay that work comfortably beside a narrative. Pure blue and red gold.
Life was so much more fun in the good old days of mad superstition and ergot poisoning. Good times. :)
This is brilliant work, dark and twisty and imaginitive. The spirits of Goya and Brueghel are hovering hereabouts.
What an awesome splash--I'll NEVER get tired of seeing art portrayals of the witches' sabbath. It's positively "Haxan"-tastic. Great story, great art, and as Silvano astutely points out, it's provocative subject matter given the time of publication. Thanks for sharing, Mr. K :)
Wow, what synchronicity! I'm posting later today a story from an issue of Nightmare about a hag who looks almost exactly like this one. She also comes to a bad end.
I've been having PC problems, hence the delays this week after I got back from my trip. But Monster Memories should be updated with that story later today.
The art here is indeed great, and a nice little twist on the witch hunt theme. I wonder if Silvano's right about it being a sly dig on the modern witch hunts, a la Miller's The Crucible--but even if not, fun stuff.
I don't know that I've ever seen more devilish looking cats, and the sequence of panels in the middle of page two leading up to the hoof prints on the graves is very cinematic and creepy--a great example of visual storytelling.
But while I enjoyed the story, I do feel that it failed to live up to the promise of that INCREDIBLE splash! But to be fair, what could? Like a medieval Hell painting updated for 50s comics. Bonus points for the crazy-eyed chick riding that demon like a pony.
Yeah, baby, RIDE it! RIDE IT BAREBACK!
Erm, sorry. :)
"You Know- I'm in league with satan, and you know- there can be no debating my hell bound trail... I was born with a tail"
The Supersuckers - Born with a Tail
Amazing line quality and detail in the artwork here. Beyond good!! Loved the story too!!
That's a pretty stylin' ad too. :)
man! that first panel! brings to mind the lyrics of Brother Dave Gardner's "Mad Witch"-
The devil's wife, the old mad witch
She's a ridin' me
I felt the bits surge in my mouth
froth from it did flow
The leather across my sweated back
Was white as any snow
The devil's wife, the old mad witch
She used to ride a broom
Now every night she leaves the earth
And rides me to the moon
The devil's wife, the old mad witch
She's a ridin' me
There's she makes the devil's sign
She waves her magic wand
He throws open the fiery gates
And tells her to ride on
Saw the burning brimstone
Saw the fiery cave
Every soul that burns therein
Is branded the devil's slave
The devil's wife, the old mad witch
She's a ridin' me
We headed back to earth again
These words I heard her say
Your soul belongs to the devil, man
You can never change your ways
Saw the burning brimstone
Saw the fiery cave
I told you I'm the devil's wife
I'll ride you to your grave...
do you know the italian comics "dylan dog"?
I really have nothing to say except that this is probably the best story of Matt Fox's entire career,no mean feat that.As for the cats,all i can say is what they probably said;"Im in ur dungeons,scratchin' ur peasants.".
Nice solid day of comments, glad everyone enjoyed this brill look into the mad mind of Matt Fox... I'll try to dig up more on him soon, maybe Brian's got something else to share (hint)
Tomorrow: Jack Cole!
>do you know the italian comics "dylan dog"?
I do now after googling it! Looks very cool... thanks!
LOVE these super-saturated colours. They seep into my brain, prompting me to hurryap and finish stroking Alucarda's onyx locks.
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