The screams from the sickening, steamy old swamp continue with an eerie
Marty Elkin transformation creature feature classic from the May 1954 issue of
Horrific #11. I kind of wish we'd used this one in the
Swamp Monsters book, but it's very similar in theme to a few other tales featured... and yes, you'll just have to get yourself a copy to see what I mean! (*hint hint) Click
HERE for more info!
aakkkk akkk akk aaakkk aak akk akk akk. Thank you Mr. Akk.
I love the swamp backdrops in this. They're sort of go back and forth between Jesse Marsh and Mary Blair. The fourth panels on pages two and three are particularly nice examples. I also dig that psychedelic werewolf host: The nice thing about process browns is that, if the registration wobbles even a little bit, it creates an aura of spectral colors at the outlines. Also, he looks like he hit his finger with a hammer. Ouchie.
Good, goofy fun. Is the werewolf elsewhere in this issue?
Really good art throughout, and page 7 panel 1 has the shapeliest swamp monster ever!
There's a good bit of Toth in this and I loved the creature design. The camera is a little bit to static in some of the action, but overall, a really good job. The coloring is also uniformly good.
Page 5 panel 3 -- the gun and the hand -- that's a rare misstep.
I love the werewolf host, too, but I have to wonder if he was only inserted because the writer didn't think the audience could figure out that the swamp creatures were were-creatures.
A fun one!
Its a shame they printed so few Horrific Comics before the comics code was enforced. The Teller, Victor Vampire, Walter Werewolf, Gary Ghoul and Freddie Demon deserved a much longer comic run. I wonder why they settled on Freddie Demon instead of Danny, Desmond, Deespicable or any other name starting with D.
Walter Werewolf could have passed for a late night horror host - scary but not too scary, menacing with a hint of self parody and a look that was financed on a shoestring budget.
Great find as always, Karswell.
I love how Clem and Laura have good judgement. Laura is willing to save her double-crossing sister and husband despite what they attempted to do to her, and Clem was willing to go into the swamp to make sure Laura was safe despite being afraid of the green ones. Jack and Ruby are terrible people though--they make better green ones.
Page 4, panel 5: that gum is totally bent in the middle, right? It's not just me? Jack is facing front right and pointing the gun front right while his wife is left rear and the barrel is pointing at her that way?
Sweet Ermyngarde is a hilarious Lovecraft story, far funnier than anything out of PG Wodehouse. Also, as a non white person, I love Lovecraft's writing.
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