On the last lousy day of the year, you can almost feel, and even hear, 2018 die screaming. And with the tragic loss of an astounding amount of talent in the entertainment industry these past 12 months (not to mention the tragic loss of brain cells in our own socially and politically divided country), we here at
THOIA say adios to the old, and
look forward to a much better new year with 2019. Fingers crossed. Inverted. But for tonight, let's take a traumatizing tip from the March 1954 issue of
Beware #8, and on this final, flabbergasting day of a most unpleasant year, I ask you all to just simply--
Happy New Year Karswell!
This one is bonkers, and I love it. No real logic -- I think Stephen King once said you don't need to explain all horror and this one certainly doesn't go there -- things just happen and get spookier and spookier until the comeuppance.
It makes one wonder, which is good. Was the corpse just faking it the whole time? Read the sleeping friend's mind and played along to get our idiots into a car? That's how I want to imagine it!
This is a fitting last tale for 2018, too messed up to even try to figure out, but at least it comes to an end.
Its just my opinion, but the only good thing to come out of 2018 was the Superbowl win for the Philadelphia Eagles and their long suffering fans- fifty one years of waiting for a Superbowl win, only Red Sox fans during 1919-2004 would understand.
Other than that, it has been a five alarm dumpster fire of a year.
Here's hoping next year will be better than 2018, or at least the worst day of the new year is a thousand times better than the best day of 2018.
Happy new year Karswell and all readers and followers of THOIA, stay safe, happy, healthy and better off in all ways in the coming year.
That's a good one to end the year with! I love it when the logic is so loopy... dreamlike.
Maybe 2019 will be a dream like year.
Happy new year everyone!
It reminds you more than a little of WEEKEND AT BERNIE'S. Especially with the one girl being sort of taken with him!
Also, there's a very similar prank in the ALFRED HITCHCOCK HOUR episode "The Cadaver."
Not crazy about this since the boys did nothing worthy of death. But Jim's facial expression on page three makes this a keeper regardless!
Thanks for all the great comments and horrific fun in 2018, everyone-- lots more coming up in 2019 too! Hey, should I change the name of this page to The Blog That Never Dies? I seriously had no idea I would still be doing this 1,882 posts and 13 lucky years later. Whew! ;)
Man, if I ever fall off a cliff I hope the cops bring my dorm roomie out to take a look at my mangled carcass right away. Maybe they can bus everybody I know out there. "Will ya take a look at that dead guy?" How nice.
I love the bottom panel of page four. That perfectly encapsulates my reaction to 2018. Nailed it. I'm just staying drunk till this fearful era is over with. I don't care what the girls think.
Happy New Year, I hope.
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