Some horror chums and I were talking about the good 'ol AceWoM horror series in a Facebook group earlier today, and I thought I'd pull out some issues to share, as well as deliver a swingin' cover story from the Dec '52 issue of Web of Mystery #16, featuring art by Charles Nicholas. And please don't judge me by the condition of this cover, it's as water damaged and brittle as ancient hangman's bones as you can get-- I seriously will take whatever I can find on these old 50's books!
In stores this week-- ugh!-- HAUNTED HORROR #28 creeps into comic shops on the 28th with a toxic dose of ghastly grim tales to leave you glowing and blowing chunks! Guest issue host, Toxic Tommy, picks a few so-called "classics" from the dreariest sludge drench of all, and today THOIA has two FULL STORY previews to curdle your sour lil stomaches into submission! Pick up HH#28for even more tales of ghosts, blood suckers, catastrophic experiments, etc! FYI: Todays tales originally appeared in Chamber of Chills #6(March '52), and Mysteries Weird and Strange #3 (Sept '53.)
You guys thought you were getting off pretty easy with only one were-tiger story this month, didn't ya? Well, no such luck... and though this one is a bit lengthy, way more on the high adventure side, and a tad light on the horror, it's still loads of fun and actually very funny at times-- and Charles Sultan draws such a sexy, purring, snarling Tigra, you'll totally forget all about that other weird ass were-tiger-- guaranteed!
The final two pieces of the June 1952 issue of The Unseen #5 puzzle... a puzzling issue of high weirdness I mean, as witnessed in our last post HERE about the hunter, but also the story about the giant man-eating caterpillar in the THOIA Archive HERE; the spectral highwayman horrors from an Alex Toth classic HERE, and finally today's Abe Simon entry about a man without a shadow! (Plus a one page bonus filler tale.) Hope everyone enjoyed another FULL ISSUE presentation!
What's worse than having to kill a were-tigress that relentlessly stalks you and your best gal? How about one that has to be killed 9 times because-- oh yeah-- it's a cat! A fun dose of jungle jitters from the June 1952 debut issue of The Unseen #5 (umm, wait a sec, how is issue #5 the debut you ponder? Ask Pines!) Super slick artwork from Ross Andru too, who also illustrated the cover.
You read Daughter of Doom in our last post, and The Mummy Master in the THOIA Archive is located right HERE! Now read the other two stories from the March 1955 issue of Beware #14 for not only a THOIA Double Feature, but also another FULL ISSUE presentation! Artwork on The Sorcerer is by Sid Check! Cover art by Myron Fass.