One more strange
Iger Shop yarn for you this month and then we'll get back to mixin' things up around here. This is a questionably fantastic tale from the April - May 1954 issue of
Strange Fantasy #11... and yes friends, I've come to realize that I can postpone this cursed post no longer!
It's amazing how often rich people are used for the bad guys in these stories; how often the concept that to be rich meant that you eventually had to step on others on the way up (and this is almost guaranteed in a capitalistic society with limited resources.)
We could use a bit more of that now :)
Dickens would be proud!
I love the monkey-like face the artist gave to Mr. Monny, if there's wasn't already a strong enough point being made. I just wise the artist would have done a better job on the ghosts; they are way to human looking.
Monny looks very much like one of the very early comic strips characters. I mean one particular one, but I can't name him just yet.
Lenora Castonmeyer: How many men have you destroyed? How many men have you killed you monster?
Upson Pratt: Only the stupid ones. Only the ones who handed me a knife and then stretched out their throats. Only the ones who, if you'll pardon the expression, fucked up. Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got this bug problem. So we'll have to defer your charming conversation for another time.
'Monny looks very much like one of the very early comic strips characters. I mean one particular one, but I can't name him just yet.'
To me, Grant, he looks like a seedy Alfred E. Neuman in a few panels!
Monny is drawn like those 19th century caricatures of Irishmen, like something out of the Hogan's Alley comic strip. This story was reprinted several times including by Eerie Publications. Each one was slightly different and there are minor variations in the dialogue and art. Carl Burgos (or someone else on the Eerie staff) often amended the plagiarized stories adding things like exposed bone and viscera.
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