Thursday, August 25, 2016
Stranger Tales
Someone tumblr'd this wonderful tribute to Atlas comic's Strange Tales, mashed with the wildly popular new Netflix original series, Stranger Things-- but it was unfortunately tumblr'd without giving an artist credit, arghh! Does anyone know who created this? Love it.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016
To Wake the Dead
We've seen this type of story around here before: a rich asshole schemer ignores eerie warnings and awakens the vengeful supernatural-- but Ernie Chua delivers a really petrifying panel of pissed off dead at the top of page 5 (it's somehow even creepier than Nick Cardy's awesome cover art), plus a really cool, freak-out splash too, and that my friends makes this post essential for the THOIA Archive! From the August 1973 issue of The Unexpected #149. FYI: Fans of The Spectre should keep their eyes peeled for a certain police officer guest star possibly implied in today's tale as well...

Saturday, August 20, 2016
The Treacherous Genie
Have I ever posted a story about an evil genie here? I was asked if I had from someone looking for a particular tale, so I quickly went through my archive to check, and low and behold it's hard to believe that with over 1,900 posts I somehow haven't at this point-- I mean, it really does appear that this subject matter has indeed eluded the haunted halls of Mr. Karswell's domain-- but if someone knows otherwise, please let us know in the comments! In the meantime, here's a good one from the August 1953 issue of Tales of Horror #6, art by Rocco Masterserio... and I'll see what other gruesome genies I have bottled up in my collection for future posts too! ::POOF!::

Tuesday, August 16, 2016
The IDW / Yoe Books horror continues this week, as we see the release of two terrors in stores on 8/17-- HAUNTED HORROR #23, as well as Mike Howlett's sssssensational new entry in the Chilling Archives of Horror Comics, SNAKES TALES (click HERE for more info.) Seriously, what could possibly go better with tales of monsters and the supernatural, than a hardcover collection of precode coiled creeps?!! And as always, THOIA has a double doozy dose of FULL STORY preview action for you from each: "Help Us to Die!" originally appeared in the October 1953 issue of Eerie #13, while the Bernie Krigstein classic, "The Fangs of Death" first appeared in the February 1954 issue of Nightmare #11. Slither on over to your favorite comic shop tomorrow and get a stranglehold on both releases, you surely won't want to miss out-- so strike fast!!!

Friday, August 5, 2016
Horror Unlimited / Complete Voodoo Vol. 2 (NEWS)
Good friend and occasional HAUNTED HORROR story contributor, Tommy Stanziola, donated the scans for our last post (click HERE if you missed it), as well as the scans for today's post from the July-August 1954 issue of Voodoo #16. "Horror Unlimeted" is a fun tale that-- wait a second, that's NOT how you spell "unlimited!!!" Anyway, Tommy says this one "scared the shit out of me as a kid!" --let's see what it does to you! And speaking of Voodoo, you can now pre-order The Complete Voodoo Vol. 2 from IDW / Yoe Books Chilling Archives of Horror Comics hardcover collection series, coming in November! Just click HERE after you read today's story! Special thanks again to Tommy for the scans!

Tuesday, August 2, 2016
Round-Trip Ticket!
Sticking with the precode crime comic theme (see our last post too), here we have the gruesomely infamous "tongues" tale from the March 1953 issue of Lawbreakers Suspense Stories #11. Scans are provided by my awesome friend and HAUNTED HORROR contributor, Tommy Stanziola, who warned me ahead of time that his copy of this issue was badly stapled and the color printing slightly off register... but despite some blurry dialog sliding into the gutter, and cherry Kool-Aid mustaches on the ladies, I believe you guys are really going to enjoy this one-- just keep your hand clamped over your mouth near the final pages! Another gem from Tommy coming up next too!

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