Our month long lurid love-In concludes with a Skywald freak-fest from the February 1974 issue of Nightmare #17. It's a rockin' little number that will hopefully serenade a few of you less-than-pleased commenters into a better "horror-mood" around here. Fantastic cover painting by bad ass Boada too! And lots more coming in March-- so stay tombed!
Friday, February 28, 2025
Tuesday, February 25, 2025
The Dancing Ghost
The putrid past collides with a perplexed present in this oddball tango with terror in a haunted house, via the December 1952 issue of Strange Fantasy #3. Being a Farrell story, the art feels distinctly non-Iger Shopish in a few places, (and GCD lists no credit), so this may have actually been illustrated by a combination of artists. Now the wonderfully clunky story telling / unintentional humor on the other hand...
Sunday, February 23, 2025
The Wooden Woman
Time to carve out another creepy crummy, February themed love connection, this time from the October 1952 issue of Menace #8. Highlighted by some interesting art from Bob Fujitani, --but be warned, the print job here is a little murky in a few spots, so apologies to those who like to gripe about that sort of thing. I mean, I did my best to clean it up, and it's still a fun bit of hopeless doom for yet another smitten goon who gets everything he deserves for being the foolish f*#kin' fanged face freak that he is...
Friday, February 21, 2025
How to Win a Witch!
What would you do if you won a supernaturally powered redhead? I hope you have a better plan than 'ol lame brain Lester here, but also maybe there's a lesson or two to be learned from all of this macabre madness, as well! From the December 1972 issue of The Witching Hour #26.
Wednesday, February 19, 2025
High Priestess of the Snake People
Those darn Dames of Doom keep slithering out of the woodwork around here, as our month of Vicious Valentine Vamps continues! And just like the previous post, this story also comes from the September 1950 issue of Challenge of the Unknown #6 (which was in fact, the one and only issue of this title.) It is also fantastically illustrated by Frank Giusto who, I believe, is finally making his THOIA debut here! I may have to do a deep dive and see what else we can find by him for a future artist spotlight. Collectors of our Chilling Archives of Horror Comics hardcover collections may remember this gem from Mike Howlett's super awesome, and weirdly underrated Snake Tales book from 2016...
Monday, February 17, 2025
Villa of the Vampire
A recent Art Deco era discovery just added to The Karswell Kollection, reminded me of a crucial detail found in this beautifully illustrated Lin Streeter bloodsucker classic from the September 1950 issue of Challenge of the Unknown #6. Be sure to click the image at the end of the post for more...
Friday, February 14, 2025
The Pale Light of... Death!
Valentine's Day is finally upon us, but we're far from the bitter end of our doomed love stories fest for the morbid month of February. And it doesn't get much more doomy than a whirlwind romance that suddenly turns murderous and suicidal in the simple span of 5 comic book pages, but here ya go none the less. From the December 1951 issue of Chamber of Chills #4, PLUS! a real gem from the Karswell Kard Kollection-- aka the saddest sunken lunk Valentine of all time! And if you're still hangin' around after that, an appropriate, though not very Valentiney, one-page bonus "True Tale of the Supernatural" from the Sept. 1950 issue of Challenge of the Unknown #6.