Thursday, February 28, 2013
Out of this World!
After the comics code crushed the crime and horror genres in '54, many publishers simply changed the name of their titles and toned down the ingredients that made them so popular in the first place. Crime Mysteries was one series, blandifying it's name to Secret Mysteries while applying the sad snooze to their content, and thus died after 4 ho-hum issues (one issue simply being a complete reprint of Red Circle Comics #4 from 1945.) I do like this simple, atmospheric tale of magic and the occult from the March 1954 issue of Secret Mysteries #17 though... see what you think. Also, enjoy Mr. C's entry in the Craig Yoe THOIA birthday contest after the story-- great work, Cavin! You won yourself a copy of Haunted Horror #3 (fyi: in stores NOW!)

Tuesday, February 26, 2013
HAUNTED HORROR #3 / 2012 Rondo Awards
As HAUNTED HORROR #3 hits stores on 02-27-2013, it's been announced that our series has also been nominated for a 2012 RONDO AWARD for BEST HORROR COMIC BOOK! Take a second and give it vote, --and don't forget to vote for everyone's favorite horror comic book blog-- THE HORRORS OF IT ALL, it's been nominated again for the 5th year in a row too-- THANKS!
Click HERE to vote!
Click HERE to vote!
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Craig Yoe from a Restless Grave CONTEST!
Celebrating the birthday of THOIA friend and Chilling Archives / Haunted Horror co-editor Craig Yoe today with an ACE tale from the February 1952 issue of The Hand of Fate #9. Happy Birthday, chum! FYI: After noticing a slightly familiar hairdo in today's story, I actually toyed with the idea of drawing a colorful forelock and goatee on Amos, the lead character in this tale... unfortunately, I ran out of time due to my new work schedule-- BUT maybe some other talented horror freak out there has the fiery urge to do so! Is it CONTEST TIME?! YES, sirs! Pull a panel or sequence from this story and give Amos the Craig Yoe make-over (if you're not sure what Craig looks like just google him!) Feel free to alter dialogue in the word balloons as well-- top 3 entries get a Haunted Horror package! Hurry, contest ends whenever! The winning pieces will be posted here at THOIA. Email all entries to karswell@hotmail.com --and most importantly, have fun! We have big Yoe Books news coming up too, stay tuned!
Thursday, February 14, 2013
It Happened on Valentine's Eve (Again)
An encore presentation of an appropriately themed ACE tale I posted back in 2010, from the May 1951 issue of The Beyond #4. Hope everyone has a lovely holiday... I'll have more new posts on the way, as soon as I catch a breather from my grueling new work schedule >:(
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Fredric Wertham Cooked His Research?
THIS JUST IN: In an absolutely amazing story, Carol Tilley, a professor of library and information science at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, went through the research notes that anti-comics crusader Fredric Wertham took on his interviews with research subjects for Seduction of the Innocent, his book on the social and psychological impacts of comics—and discovered that he was faking the data. Click HERE for the full story!
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Castle of Fright
We're celebrating Lon Chaney Jr's 107th birthday today with a frightening tale set in a castle, strangely enough titled-- Castle of Fright! from the November 1953 issue of Voodoo #12. And after the fright-filled, castley story, continue the Chaney celebration with one of Lon's favorite recipes, from an old Mogan David wine recipe booklet (also from the Karswell Kollection!)
Thursday, February 7, 2013
"King of the Living Dead!"
It doesn't get much more pulp action horror overload than the final tale from the April - May '54 reprint issue of Eerie #15 (check the archive for "Werewolf of Warsham Manor!", "Subway Horror!" "Monster from the Pit" --plus other details about this issue's origins = COMPLETE ISSUE!) And speaking of Eerie, check out the new Wally Wood Crime & Horror book coming out later this month!
Monday, February 4, 2013
The Chilling Archives of Horror Comics ZOMBIES (IDW / Yoe Books) ate up the competition in the Best Archival Collection category for the big win this year in the 2012 Ghastly Awards! Craig, Clizia, and I thank everyone that voted! And congrats again to the other nominees and of course to all the additional people that helped make this collection the success that it truly is. The Ghastly Awards recognize outstanding achievements in Horror Comics over a range of 15 different categories, nominees are chosen from books submitted by the Horror Comic Creators throughout the calendar year, and winners are chosen by the judges, creators, and fans. Click HERE now for all the details and list of winners!
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