Wednesday, July 4, 2012


Happy 4th of July everyone! Today we're celebrating our independence, as well as the recent release of IDW / Yoe Books ZOMBIES, co-edited by Craig Yoe and myself-- click HERE if you haven't already got your copy! Or, if you're into the idea of WINNING an autographed copy then here's a contest where you can do just that! With a stunning Canadian assist from Happy Undertaker creator, friend and co-hort in horror, Drazen Kozjan, we've dug deep through THOIA's past post archive and unearthed a certain panel from a certain zombie story buried somewhere in our vault-- and then Drazen has revisioned it in his own unique style! Recognize it?

If so, email the name of the story to, (please do NOT type your answer into a comment here at the blog!) Enter as often as you like, all correct answers will be put into a decapitated skull, violently shaken, and then drawn later this month on Friday the 13th --please get your answer in by then! There will be 3 winners, each receiving a copy of ZOMBIES (signed by Craig and Karswell), but only one winner will also become the proud new owner of Drazen's original 8.5 x 11 watercolor paper illustration!

Have fun, and good luck to all who enter!


  1. That original illustration is just too goddamn great!
    Gotta' love that cover page too, holy hell.

  2. Trevor M7/04/2012

    A devilishly clever contest.

  3. Wait, does it count if this is a scene from a date I went on once?

  4. Sadly, I know not. But that's the sort of fellow that always hits on me at parties.

  5. Remember: you have until the 13th to find the story containing this image, so dig around the THOIA archive and find it-- before it finds you! >:)

  6. Kars, where's the new profile pick from? I swear I recognize it but can't place it.

  7. I guess I should make that part of the contest too, eh Gumba?
