Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Stone Man!

The finale story in our Venus Fest is an epic tale of giant Stone Men invading Earth's surface (think King Kong meets The Monolith Monsters), but as "rock hard" as things get, what's a lovely little lass like Venus to do to keep from getting all wet? Being a typically bonkers Bill Everett creation, I have to wonder if these bad boys made any additional comeback appearences in Sub-Mariner? From the Dec. '51 issue of Venus #17. I also want to thank Brian Hirsch again for these incredible scans-- hopefully Venus will return to THOIA in the future for another va-va-voom visit!


  1. Anonymous5/08/2011

    It was your birthday, Karswell, but WE got the presents. Thanks a LOT. Venus is one of my favorite of Everett's fifties work and it was great to see several stories this week. (And even though they don't get as wild as the Venus tales, some of Everett's Marvel Boy stories also veer into territory that would make them appropriate for your site. Just a suggestion, perhaps, for NEXT year's birthday!)

  2. sophisticated, yet bonkers!

  3. The big goon's as ossified as the Rock of Gibralter!" - I wish I had a nickel for every time I've said this or heard it said about me. :P

  4. Loved some of the lettering in this one. Showed finesse.

  5. Anonymous5/08/2011

    !. I "like" the reactions of the people in the various world capitals who encounter them! Guess the *only* reason they *didn't* show Berlin is that people were relieved to find out our living statues were stone not clay, (i.e. they wern't golems! Otherwise it might have been; German funtionary: "Ach, Himmel, that chiant golem is destroying Berlin"! "West German Prime Minister: "Qvick; for GOTT's Sake get the Chief Rabbi und the Israrli Ambassador here; RIGHT NOW"! :)

    On that note: the giants have demonstrated that they are just curious; not evil! (Just don't know their own size/strenght; is all!) What gives us the right to "Final Solution"/"Kill them all; let God stort them out!" them without even trying for a peaceful solution? And in 1951; yet? (Or any post-1945 year?)


  6. Anonymous5/09/2011

    Awesome story Karswell and Happy Belated Birthday!

  7. The cheesy accents may have been the best part of this one.
