Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Happy Walpurgis Night!

Tonight is Walpurgis Night (aka Witches’ Night), and as midnight ominously approaches, the lines between the living and dead get thinner and thinner… until finally evil is unleashed and the forces of darkness are free to roam among us!

It’s gonna be awesome… arrive early, stay late. I’ll bring the Chex Mix and Diet Mountain Dew.


Anonymous said...

This does sound awesome. Hopefully things will wrap up around the evil hour of 9pm so I can get some sleep.

Eyeball said...'s also gonna be one particular blogger's birthday at midnight tonite.....

Anonymous said...

Okay, but I'm not getting into any black coaches driven by the undead down misty, deserted roads.

Anonymous said...

And I'll bring the crunchy eggrolls!

Anonymous said...

>ILoz Zoc said...
Okay, but I'm not getting into any black coaches driven by the undead down misty, deserted roads.

Reminds me of the night Karswell and I made our deal at the crossroads with our guitars.

The Vicar of VHS said...

And watch out for beefy Spaniards with too much hair on their chests fighting with pasty-faced women! Arooo!

Me, I'll be sacrificing a cat to Satan, just like in those ol' Chick Tracts.

Don't be Swindle! said...

so... wait, what's going on again?
Is Stormwitch playing somewhere tonight?
I'm all for Geman metal, but I don't think I can get a sitter on such short notice.

Happy Walpurgis night!

Anonymous said...

Darn! Guess I missed the party.

Mr. Karswell said...

It's funny you mention the comical Chick Tracts Vicar, those little collections of illogic, superstition, and insanity have probably done much more damage to young minds than any pre-code horror comic. Of course they're also some of my all-time favorite reading too, (but for all the opposite reasons why they were created.)