How about another creature-feature from the March 1969 issue of Boris Karloff's Tales of Mystery #25 (see our previous post as well.) Sci-fi horror can sometimes be a mixed bag, but sometimes-- like today's post-- they can really give ya the willies! You long-time THOIA'ers might even remember a similarly freaky ACG Forbidden Worlds tale that I posted here waaaay way back in 2007 called "Nightmare for Two" --check it out after today's shivery story! And adios to January finally too. Stay tombed for lots more in February, where things are doomed to be diabolically romantical, as usual...
Splash panel: look to your right, Karloff! There he is! Right there! Catch him and claim the reward!
ReplyDeleteI'm probably just weird, but I'm pretty sure my response to the monstrosity on page 3 would be, "KITTYBEE!" So probably that's where I would die, trying to pet it.
ReplyDeleteI liked this story, it reminded me of The Blood Beast Terror (1968) starring Peter Cushing.
ReplyDeleteBoth this tale and that movie ask us to suspend disbelief to make the stories work, but with Crispr and gene editing today, science fiction is turning into science fact. I doubt we will ever see a catbee but you never know.
The only weak spot in this story is Clagger, he is supposed to be a hardened killer, but he isn't all that aggressive towards Dr. Torren, unless he plans to bump him off later on.
Its clever of Dr. Torren to wear a gas mask while spraying Clagger with the metamorphc spray, it is wise planning on the Doctors part that most mad doctors never would have thought of.
Neat sci-fi tale, Karloff's comics offered a variety of tales for comics fans.
Late 60s but also firmly in the giant monster movie craze of the 50s. I like tales where the artist gets the chance to just go nuts, I want to see a complete story with the weird chicken bug, panel 2, page 4!
ReplyDeleteAdd in some good lab equipment, the old "do anything but open this door", and pretty lackluster criminal and a cliche scientist and it's a 50s movie, lock, stock, and barrel!
I like that the insert creatures are all actually harmless, that's a fun twist on the story. Doc is a little too close to that cocoon he's asking for a face hugger problem!
A chonky bumblecat genetically predisposed toward anaglyphic 3D might make me reconsider owning a pet again. Oh the late nights we'd spend, eating honey Friskies and watching the Creature swim among us.
ReplyDeleteI love the last panel. The half-formed shape glimpsed through the semi-translucent walls of that cocoon plant really do fuel the imagination. The idea of ending the story there is a treat for people like me, who love guessing. Though it does beg for a "draw your own last panel" contest. So instead of writing my own sequel, I'm more compelled to imagine whatever monsters a group of sixties teens might have ended the story with.