Saturday, June 3, 2017

Daughter of Doom

Just when you thought you'd read every story about Satanic cursed salamander cloaks, along comes the Daughter of Doom, from the March 1955 issue of Beware #14. NOTE: Beware #14 was the last precode issue from this occasionally terrific Trojan series.


  1. Liked this one a lot, thanks for posting it!

    I thought to myself while I read page 2 that Craig isn't too bright for double agent because not only does he totally buy the wildest story ever told in a shady dive bar, but he agrees to commit a crime to do it -- and it never even occurs to him that this femme fatale just might be an agent for some government herself!
    And why doesn't he just simply put on the salamander cloak and escape and cast Satan and his daughter back to hell at the end? Craig really was garbage as a spy.

  2. I suppose, technically, Satan was the good guy in this story since he destroyed spies and their secrets.

  3. Ha ha ha, red is the color of Communists--and Satan--not very subtle at all.

  4. I see that, so far, I seem to be the only guy that thinks of Hugo as ... a hero! He basically saves the world from Satanic/Soviet (how's that for cold war propaganda) and gets dragged down to hell for his trouble!

    Sure, he sells secrets, he murders, he talks to strange women in bars ... but this is a redemption story, damn it :)

    Note Hugo reads the incantation while the back of the cloak faces away from him. Come on, editors!

  5. Just wanted to say Thank you for posting these incredible old school comics. I've been a fan of this site for the past 3 years and finally read all of the archives ! Im a huge collector of EC comics, and recently they brought them back to life with new stories! Thank you again, I'll try to comment more and really enjoy reading my fellow comic reader's post ! Peace & Love to you all !

  6. So this was actually a Jack Chick comic in disguise?

  7. Man, if I had a plugged nickel for every time the gateway to hades was painted as a giant electric wall vagina....

    I agree with BTX about the tone, here. That second-to-last panel is gloriously over-the-top Christian propaganda. They should hang poster-sized enlargements in each of those anti-Halloween "Hell Houses" that tent preachers run in Texas every year. I really dig many of the Jack Chickier evangelical morality plays that appeared as horror in the fifties--but wait, this is kind-of unique in that there is no morality. Everybody's a backstabbing spy or a red, and Satan cooks his own daughter in his tizzy over a museum piece. I get it, Satan! I was in an art gallery last weekend that had an original Windsor McKay Little Nemo page. You better believe I woulda raised hell if I thought I could have taken that baby home with me.
