Wednesday, May 1, 2013

The Hungry Horde

Mr. Karswell turned another year older on May 1st, and while taking a much needed / extended break, found himself again very fortunate to have friends who'll do some dirty work for me, err-- him! An anonymous friend sends in these scans, a fun and freaky Jon Blummer vampire tale from the January 1953 issue of Adventures into the Unknown #39, followed by a great birthday illustration by Haunted Horror cohort-- Art Fuentes! Get ready for another month of vintage horror hits and other assorted mayhem!



  1. A very happy Birthday to you good Sir Karswell... ( My Brother''s new son, "Mason" was born today as well ...(Arrived over a week early and in a healthy baby boy...
    I will post on your Birthday in a bit ...(Just let me get some files together for it first...)
    Went and die something "Creative" today... We have been getting so Many "word-search" requests for "cubee-craft" figures... We thought " Why Not make our own "Dr.Theda figure...???" So my first creative "paper-craft" design is available at the "Crypt" as a free download... Now you too can have your own little "Dr. Theda"...Cool... Have a Great Birthday ...Mine is only a couple weeks away...

  2. Happy Birthday, Mr. Karswell! I saw the birthday tribute post for you over at Dr. Theda's Crypt and headed on over here. Hope you have/had a wonderful day! :)

  3. Happy birthday Karswell. We share the same birthday month. Thank you so much for all the pre-code horror goodness you have brought us over the past several years with wishes for many more to come.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Beast Witches and Happy Birthday!

  6. ok, you have a new fallower :)
    have a nice day!

  7. Ah, ACG, the absolute kings of monster design that is at one point awesome and at all other points completely and utterly goofy.

    Why do all the undead come from "crumbling graves and rotted tombs?" Don't any of these creatures have a bit of self respect for their homes?

    BTW, vampire lord with absolutely terrible plan, it's no longer "donating" if they are forced to do it!

    Happy Birthday, Kars! Here's wishing for many more filled with blazing eyes of evil and twisted brains.

  8. Happy Birthday, o magnificent one! Here's to at least 1000 more!

  9. Tree-us ex machina?

    Usually, when these stories end with an explanation as to why the public isn't told, it's that they don't want to strain the social fabric, or that they expect incredulity, or simply that the Bad Guys have won. Here, it's that the hero and heroine don't want to be disturbed as they go at it like crazed ferrets.

    Oh, and I hope that your birthday was the best yet! (Try not to think about how many of them there have been, nor about how many are left.)

  10. Donating six column inches to the ravings of the town drunk is pretty much the definition of a slow news day, even in some backward flyover country village.

    I love luridly enthusiastic stories like this one, overripe with narrative and four-color excess. That panel with the vampire hands coming out of the well is wonderful. I know the art is a little awkward, but that's just because the artist had to cram every possible element into the frame, of course. The cover of this book is pretty damn magnificent, too. Thanks for the story Karswell and Anonymous.

    Happy birthday, Karswell. That's an excellent present, by the way. Great work Art Fuentes!

  11. Happy birthday.
    (Of course, April 30-May 1 is a fitting birthday for either a horror fan or a mythology fan.)

    I have one question about "the Hungry Horde." Were "Mark and Martha" regular comic characters, or were they at least meant to be? They definitely seem to be one of those "Nick and Nora" kind of detective couples.

  12. Happy belated birthday!

  13. Did who ever wrote this thing know that Plasma isn't exactly blood? It's sort of a skimmed milk version of blood.

  14. THANK YOU THANK YOU! New post up shortly, took a mini trip and just got back-- had a great birthday, thanks again everyone!

  15. The history of the beginning of the Red Cross for Vampires?
