Thursday, April 25, 2013


HAUNTED HORROR #4 is now available at finer comic shops everywhere, (and if you're at C2E2 this weekend grab your copy there!) Overflowing with more glorious reprints of petrifying pre code terror tales from Andru, Esposito, Sekowsky, Elkin, Mastroserio, Katz, and more! Among the stories of deadly harpies, groping ghosts, evil puppets, vicious vegetation, and The Devil, today THOIA has a sampling of a few other things to be found splattered all over said pages-- plus another nice preview can be found HERE thanks to CBR! Get your copy before it sells out!


  1. Trevor M4/25/2013

    Good story here! Sort of an Orson's War of the Worlds radio broadcast stunt going horribly wrong. I don't know for sure, but it might have been highly original when it was done. I also think it resonates with anybody who ever did any horror media work that they knew their parents would be watching. Perfect ending.

    Congrats on the ongoing print comic. And I've always loved that insane nightmare cover -- great pick!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. From the art, it seems the transformation process takes place after a gentle nuzzling.

    Again, congrats on the ongoing; not being able to inanely babble on with comments is a minus, but being able to hold it in your hands and read it is a definite pleasure.

    As Mesterie said, the stand out story is the Goodbye...World. It's one of those stories that seems to be written by an 8 year old. The locust eat everything, the humans make a poison, but, oh no, the locus call out for the harpies ... on another planet! It's so train of thought and has basically unrelated events colliding together. Those stories are so much fun in their fever dream like qualities.

  4. In stores where? I never see these! I want to buy all of them!


    Well that's... mind-bending.

    Haunted Horror should totally have a letters page! (Does it? I haven't bought number three yet, so maybe it does and I don't know it?) If so, then all our classy snark could vie for some of your hard-earned celebrity!

  6. cool! i'm gonna see if i can find it today.

  7. A letters page sounds like a great idea, I'll run it by Craig, err, I mean Forelock.

    We appreciate all the positive feedback received so far from everyone about Haunted Horror. If you're a fan of our mag you can also drop us a line at our Facebook page too! And while you're there, share a photo of your creepy selves enjoying HH! Got any gruesome story suggestions for future issues-- let us know too!

  8. Anonymous5/01/2013

    any way I can get my hands on the first two issues?

  9. dr unknown5/10/2013

    Yeah a letter page I was thinking the same thing. also a second haunted horror title maybe called Sinister Weird tales or how about ghastly ghostly macabre tales from beyond the devils domain
