Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Man Who Owned a Ghost / Vampire, Beware!

Long time followers of THOIA know how much I love Bill Everett, so without further ado, here are two by my absolute favorite comic book artist of all time-- The Man Who Owned a Ghost is from the March '52 issue of Astonishing #10, and Vampire, Beware is from the Oct '52 issue of Suspense #23. Nobody illustrated spooks and bloodsuckers like Everett. No. Body.

Bill Everett


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Trevor M10/24/2012

    The two stories seem to be in different styles. The first one has all the clammy, sweaty, google-eyes, and arched eyebrows all drawn in that fluid style Everett had that are his trademark. They give his horror stories an unmatched aura of 1950's forbidden filth. The second one is more restrained and the people look like human beings. Though, like the first, the monsters are absolutely terrific. Is it that his pencils were inked by somebody else? Like maybe Carmine Infanito?

  3. Looks like ol' Alan was the one who got owned.

  4. I'm with Trevor, I wonder a bit about the second story, too. The vampires look like Everett, but the rest looks like a very muted Everett.

    Both story look like Stan Lee (obviously the second as he signed it.) There's the "as it turns out" like story 1, and then there's the "flip the table" like story 2, which you saw a lot of from Stan. That man did an incredible amount of plotting at Atlas.

    Story 1, Page 5, is just awesome to behold. A great mix of cartoony/scary, and a great skull/ghost variation, and a bit of the brown lady mixed in. I also love the skull-like vampires. Beautiful, kinetic, fun art, and a fun story from Stan.

  5. the donald10/25/2012

    hi karswell are you a satanist and do you worship the devil? or are you just a horror fan like me?

  6. The top of page three of Vampire, Beware! has long been a personal favorite; I love the bartender's expression.

  7. I, literally, read these under the covers last night. So much fun! And no awkward flashlight/booklight required with an ipad :)

  8. gerbalman10/28/2012

    hi karsell looking for stories from Secret Diary of Eerie Adventures #1 (1953)
    anybody seen a scan of this 100 page issue.Is it scanned somewhere? can you post some stories of this comic if you dont own it then buy it we need it on the blog im not as rich as you trust me im as poor as can be .this is not the same comic as diary of horror one-shot but another comic

  9. Don't have it... I'm also not rich. I'll see if I can find someone that does have it.

  10. Thanks for all the continued great comments too... hopefully next month THOIA will get back on a regular schedule. Too much devil worshipping to do in the month of October...

  11. gerbalman10/29/2012

    thanks dude for your new posts cool stuff, I didnt mean to imply your rich but since Im out of work like most of america now is in a bad economy if you have a job your richer than me.

  12. I really liked Willie Nickleday in the second tale. Cute comical horror and stylish art!
