Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Change... into Something Comfortable / Trick or Treat

Two hairy scary, monster mashin' Halloween party tales from two different generations of terror for you today-- our first from the December 1973 issue of Creepy #58 (story by Doug Moench and artwork by Richard Corben), followed by an encore presentation of a Golden Age pre code classic from the May 1954 issue of Weird Mysteries #10 (art by Eugene Hughes.) Happy Halloween to all our fiendish friends from THOIA!


  1. Happy Halloween Kars!

    Moench was always one of the better writers in Warren's operation, and this is a great story though he over-sells it a bit, and over-plays the textual trick. Still, it works really well because Corben gives it 110% in this one. Page 4 is a great layout, and the collection of creeps at the end is lovely.

    (BTW, You spelled Corben wrong in the intro text.)

    Also, the Vampirella insert? The 14 (and a half, like that helps) was the cause of a bunch of trouble at Warren, because of her age. I don't remember the exact problem, but it might have been promoter related. They should have just kept her off and given us a front view of the other model :)

  2. Anonymous10/31/2012

    Nice posts.

    Karswell, I hope you can help. A few years ago, you posted a stroy here about monsters in the subways. They are invisible to humans but somehow a man and a woman are able to see them. He follows them to a tunnel in the subway where the monsters put the woman into a machine that incinerates her. The man is later killed by a monster that impersonates a passenger on the subway train.

    Would you be able to give a link to locate this?

  3. Anonymous10/31/2012

    That Weird Mysteries tale looks like it's plagiar-- er, *homaging* the 1948 Robert Bloch story "The Cloak" (which some of you folks may remember from its movie adaptation as a segment of The House That Dripped Blood).

  4. SATAN RULER OF HELL10/31/2012

    richard corbin must be a pretty weird dude his artwork is always great but alot of times off the wall. Your posting alot of comic stories this month I think more than most months. Maybe your heavy satanic devil worshipping schedule is bring you inspiration.We in hell love the blog, my demons really enjoy the stories here.

  5. I always spell Korban's name wrong... it's become a tradition.

  6. Trevor M10/31/2012

    I'd bet that no other comic great has had his name misspelled more than Corben. I don't know why that is.

    I've never seen the second story before. Though it's pretty unremarkable it feels really dirty and nasty thanks to the art, and especially the first page splash which is really something. Thanks for posting.

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  8. What a great way to kick off Halloween...a Corben / Moench classic from Creepy! I wish Creepy spent more time on Halloween tales and less on those silly sports issues.

    And I was stoked to find my first copy of Haunted Horror in a local comic shop the other day! Now I have something else to look for in addition to the Harvey Horrors reissues. As much as l love this blog, reading the stories on paper always wins out.

    Happy Halloween to Karswell and the gang of regulars here at THOIA!! I hope there will be many more years to celebrate here!

  9. Terrific Corben offering, although as Brian said, pretty unnecessarily wordy; especially for a werewolf with only one thing on its mind.

  10. Happy Halloween Karswell!! Love your blog, and an awesome Creepy story perfect for the day.
    Have a scary one man, I know I will!!

  11. I have kind of a love / hate relationship with Corben. Some panels look great, some downright sloppy. His people look truncated and thick, often out of proportion; characters look different panel to panel. However, his twisted, somehow freudian freakshow gore has always appealed to me, as well as his groundbreaking use of a combination of air brushing, line work and pencil smudging.

    Would love to see more from Warren. Really brings back pre-teen memories!

  12. The first story is one of my Favorite Richard Corbin stories.... I still have my copy... Great post...

  13. I'll never complain about a Richard Corben werewolf story, but I just freaking loved the second tale here today. The quirky art really had a lot of verve, especially at the bottom of page two and the top of page three. What a great little display of drawing around the reveal.

    Loving that refreshingly psycho Weird Mysteries cover too. thrilling!

    Happy Holiday, Karswell. I hope your Halloween was just as spooky and teeth-rotting as it should always be!

  14. Thanks for all the Halloween wishes and comments, hope everyone had a great holiday as well! More posts coming up here shortly, October was an incredibly busy month for The Karswell Klan, and the next few months are likely to be just the same... hang in there, kittens!

  15. Someone in the comments was asking about this tale, I think this is the one you're looking for:


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