Monday, March 12, 2012

ZOMBIES! by Yoe & Banes

The March 2012 issue of Previews is on stands NOW and contains the exciting halfpage ad for ZOMBIES, the third not-to-be-missed book in the Chilling Archives of Horror Comics series from Yoe books, co-edited by Craig Yoe and Steve "Karswell" Banes (see IDW Publishing section, page 174.) Lots more news on this coming up in the months ahead!

ZOMBIES will be out on May 22nd, and can be pre-ordered NOW at Amazon by clicking HERE!


  1. Looks awesome!!! And releases precisely one month after the greatest birthday of all time :p


  2. I can't get enough!Please tell me you are considering a Matt Fox book!

  3. I'm afraid Matt Fox has drawn too few stories. His work seems insufficient and amounts (according to Grand Comics Database) to just around 80 pages of precode work.
    I vote for a book about Lou Cameron's groundbreaking horror stories.
    Go, Lou, go!

  4. I had two gents contact me about Matt Fox books in the works... haven't heard much follow-up about either in possibly over a year though.

    A Cameron book would definitely be awesome.

  5. Congrats Karswell!

    Welcome back, Kitty!

    Matt Fox might not have a huge body of work, but a theme collection of unconventional industry oddball-types could combine his work with the likes of Al Luster, King Ward, Ogden Whitney, or etc., and make for a more interesting book in the process.

  6. Kars, what's the best way to buy this to maximize exposure/money for the website? Click through on the link on your page? I love the Terror book (especially that gorgeous B&W story), and I'm sure I'll love the Zombies one!

  7. So, the Zombies volume isn't about a particular artist per se? bummer

  8. I've had mine on pre-order for some time. This is one that calls for two copies - one home one for the office! I look forward to your essay/intro a great deal. I can't wait to see what's next from the Chilling Archives of Horror!

  9. Nice thinking, Mr. Cavin!
    Would like to see that sales pitch: "Coming to your bookstore - INDUSTRY ODDBALLS".
    But you're absolutely right - that would be fabulous. A book concentrating on the more outlandish artwork of Matt Fox, King Ward...
    How 'bout some Al Eadeh and Louis Zansky?

  10. Now you're talking, Space Lord.

  11. > but a theme collection of unconventional industry oddball-types

    Agreed, Mr C!

    >what's the best way to buy this to maximize exposure/money for the website?

    For what website, mine? I appreciate the thought Gumba but seriously we just want people to buy the book, and get multiple copies for anyone you know interested in ZOMBIES, thanks! :)

    >So, the Zombies volume isn't about a particular artist per se? bummer

    Yeah, what a drag... a zombie book not about one artist. Total bummer. What were we thinking spending the last year working so hard on this thing?

    > I look forward to your essay/intro a great deal.

    Haha, thanks Mykal... but you know I like to keep things short and sweet, and let the horror do the talking.

    Lots more books in the works and some other surprises too, and I guarantee none of it even comes close to bummer status. Stay tuned... Craig and I both thank evryone for their continued support and entusiasm for BOOKS! PRE-ORDER PRE-ORDER PRE-ORDER!!!
