Saturday, March 10, 2012

As Ye Sow...

Awww, everyone loves babies! Wait. That's not how I wanted to introduce this story. The winning combination of Bruce Jones and Luis Bermejo teamed up for this cringe inducing classic, (also from the May 1976 issue of Creepy #79 like our last post), and whether or not you think it's cruel or pushing the bounds of taste, well... ooops! I didn't mean to say "taste" either.


  1. Damn! What a gruesome story! Gives a whole new meaning to the term 'planned parenthood' hahahahaha

  2. Anonymous3/10/2012

    I think I REMEMBER READING this when it first came out in 1976. Warren Creepy and Eerie sure took it to the next level.

  3. Anonymous3/10/2012

    Never really cared for much of the Creepy and Eerie art, excepting the covers and a few Wrightson illustrated pieces. It almost felt like the artists really weren't into the horror genre. That last panel is pretty weak.

  4. I agree about the last panel, it feels sort of clunky compared to the rest of the story which is beautifully illustrated. It almost looks like something out of the Eerie Pubs, haha

  5. What a twisted story! I do agree that the last panel could have been drawn better.

  6. You always knew what you were getting into when Jones was the writer. He actually had a pretty good run on The Incredible Hulk a number of years ago, but went on way to long with it (a lot of horror works best in short spurts, go on too long and you get used to it.)

    While the last panel is a bit clunky (it's problem is the ruined face isn't in the foreground enough), the middle panel on page 8 is great.

    Warren was always searching around for cheaper and cheaper artists, and he found a lot of great ones out there, but some weren't exactly trained in horror and took a while to get up to speed.

  7. If I were to pick out something that bugged me about the art, I would say that it's the Italian hillbilly babe that rubs me the wrongest. Well, that and the dialect thought balloons. I really think that the last panel here looks redrawn (well, the salient parts, at least). to me it seems like an after-the-fact fix. I wonder if the original wasn't flamboyantly gruesome enough? Or if I am just seeing things?

  8. This story is so good, I read it and re-read it several times.

  9. Taste, schmaste! This is just plain good!! For that matter...babies, Schmabies!

  10. Anonymous3/13/2012

    So how was she half human? Did they explain? Interesting, a world of vampires. Probably a plague of some sort. LOL

  11. Stunning artwork on this one!

  12. Well, whatever happened with that last panel illustration, it doesn't dampen the jaw dropping implication of what's going on with our two poor lovebirds... at least not to me.

    Thanks for the comments!

  13. This art is so great I'm creaming. the blacks, the shadows, the detail. Why can't horror comics be like this today--this was just another era man!!
