Saturday, February 4, 2012

Allie's End

Sometimes a person can enter your life and fill that big empty hole with something glowing and forever special... sometimes they enter your life and leave something else. From the Feb-Mar '54 issue of Out of the Night #13.


  1. The "strength of the dead" seems to be inversely related to the "number of the dead."

    If you're one dead guy, you can snap ropes and punch out two guys!

    If its a pile of dead guys, well, just about anybody can break away and get free!

    Fun story -- the juxtaposition of "hot lady" and "horror" is a favorite of these authors, and always makes you wonder what crap the author got from women in his life :)

    [>] Brian

  2. Trevor M2/04/2012

    What exactly was she going to do with her "zombie horde"? It's not like she had a plantation to work them. I'm reminded of Clive Barker's Haeckel's Tale.

  3. I had exactly the same question as did Trevor M. But perhaps Prof. Grewbeard offers the only sort of explanation available.

    Nice observation there by Gumba G Gadwa!

  4. >wimmen...

    Can't live with 'em, can't break free from their supernatural powers.

    >the juxtaposition of "hot lady" and "horror" is a favorite of these authors

    Yes, thankfully. Always a wonderful combination.

    >What exactly was she going to do with her "zombie horde"?

    Seems most beautiful woman have a horde of zombies swirling around her at all times... ever been to a bar?

    >But perhaps Prof. Grewbeard offers the only sort of explanation available.

    The Prof is quite wise, as we all know.

    Got another zombie tale up next, hang tight... as always, thanks for the comments.
