Monday, January 30, 2012

Rendezvous With Doom

One more from the lucky numbered Haunted Thrills #13 (Jan. '54.) Most of the stories from Farrell Comics seem to wallow in the ugly and grim, but this tale, refreshingly enough, actually makes a few attempts at some laughs too.


  1. Those are some tiny hands L.L. has got (botton left panel, page six).

    Saw the "twist ending" a mile away, but at least it was a unique portrayal of "death."

  2. I like the first page, of all the horror stories I've seen this is the first I remember with some heavy-handed metaphoric panels after the first one.

    Some comic writers "dame" (it was the 50s!) when on a little too much about some famous male star and a story was born!

    I also like the last page; the swirling backgrounds give a good indication he's "crossed" over. Also, she has one ugly skull for being so hot!

    [>] Brian

  3. Trevor M1/30/2012

    I enjoyed the clumsy humor in this one. And I'm sensing a theme developing here. First a kissing zombie book cover, then a (foot) kissing baboon, and now kissing death! Is this some kind of build up to Valentines Day at THOIA?

  4. Love is in the air! This would make a great screwball comedy with a downer existential ending--sort of an anti Christmas Carol. Maybe with a young Ralph Bellamy and Veronica Lake in a black wig.

  5. It was always kissy-kissy with the reaper at the Iger studio.
    There's a variation of the Lady-Death-topic in JOURNEY INTO FEAR #20.
    I posted the full story here:
    (It's terribly printed, because it comes from Canada's "Superior" publishing house.)
    Nice double feature!

  6. >Saw the "twist ending" a mile away

    Yeah, I run these stories through my handy Twist Ending-O-Meter before posting, just to make sure it's an ending visible from at least a mile away... and not less.

    >of all the horror stories I've seen this is the first I remember with some heavy-handed metaphoric panels after the first one.

    I dig that wolf panel too, it gets the story off to an interesting start none the less.

    >Is this some kind of build up to Valentines Day at THOIA?


    >This would make a great screwball comedy with a downer existential ending

    Possibly this exists in some parallel Earth Universe... and hopefully in said universe Veronica Lake already has naturally black hair!

    >It was always kissy-kissy with the reaper at the Iger studio.

    A most charming band of cads and mashers over there at Iger, it's wonder they ever got any work done!

    Hey, speaking of downer endings, wait'll you see what's lined up for February-- NEXT!

  7. i'm playing catch up again. i really liked the story and atmosphere of this one. i usually just fly past the absurdities and go for gut-feeling and this one had it...

  8. Anonymous2/11/2012

