Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Eerie Glen / Peg Powler

The last story in the September 1952 issue of The Unseen #6 is a moody one, you'll see the end coming long before poor Joe does, but that's the way the pre-code corpses crumble... and if that's not enough, how about a gorgeous one-page filler bonus story illustrated by Alex Toth!


  1. initially it seemed to me that tale ended too soon- i just barely noticed the little red "End"! then Toth did it all in one page!

  2. I like these "dead but ignorant"-stories very much. Seems to be a fullgrown subgenre of horror. EERIE GLEN is a nice and stylish variation ot its kind.

  3. Wow, whoever drew the Eerie Glen used a whole lot of elbow grease making the glen itself. I didn't think much of the story--there isn't much to it, like maybe it's the kind of boilerplate they have laying around the office to test the newbies on--but damn if this artist didn't put in the overtime going above and beyond on this one.

    And of course, Alex Toth went the other way. Probably spent all of twenty minutes drawing his one-pager using just the bare minimum number of lines per panel. And it's still brilliant.

  4. really nice-- I love the last panel--that witch looks EVIL!!

  5. Anonymous5/17/2011

    1. I don't know if the narrator's dad in the first story should have our sympathy for just wanting to talk to his son *one last time*; or if we should thing he's a total SOB (because he *presumably* know his son would pass on!

    2. In the second story; I wanted to see what "ol' Peg" had become under her head! Just a head? Ursula the Sea Witch from the Disney version of the "Little Mermaid"? What? *something* had brushed up against/grabbed "Our Hero"; after all! or was it something he saw?


  6. Whoever drew this is George Roussos of course...

  7. Thanks Mr. Apeldoorn!

  8. The GCD link says Roussos too but it has a question mark of uncertainty... since I'm no Roussos expert I left it for you guys to decide (George did illustrate another tale in this issue as well), but if Ger says so that's good enough for me!

    It is indeed interesting to compare a detailed, multi page story by someone, vs. a single page story from Toth... further proof about what he always said concerning simplicity.

  9. I love, love, love the excellent Purple Prose intro of this one! Beautiful!
