Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Monster / Curse of the Vampire

Last month at Mykal's Bloody Pulp, he posted a cool Eerie Publications text story called Xebico that stirred up some "boy's club" comments because of the accompanying illustration that clearly shows a woman's bare breast and areola (click HERE.) One of his commentors asked about the frequency of "exposed female breasts" and it was answered as a possible Eerie Pub "rare sighting." Not to be one who rubs boobies in anyone's face, today we have two Eerie Pub stories also featuring briefly exposed female breasts, first-- "The Monster" is from the July 1974 issue of Tales from the Tomb Vol. 6 #4, (and coincidentally enough also a remake of the pre-code Harvey story I featured in our last post, aka "Transformation!") Our bloody back-up feature "Curse of the Vampire" is from the July 1971 issue of Horror Tales Vol. 3 #4 and also contains some memorable mammaries.


  1. wow, i never knew Eerie Pubs. got so sexy!

  2. Some neat Adams-inspired art in "The Monster"... but that caption in the final panel seems like a real afterthought. "Oh yeah, he drank some more Hyde-formula and then the cops shot him. The end."

  3. That Tomb cover is one of the best they ever did. I ended up buying 2 copies of this issue.

  4. The re-make of transformation was better ... right up until the end. Having to spell out an ending takes away from the impact.

    The vampire story was interesting -- normally the guy instantly turns against the woman when he discovers shes a witch/vampire/werewolf/etc. I never got why -- by day she's hot, by night she's eliminating your enemies! This guy waited until she turned ugly, then made his decision (much more realistic, if you ask me!)

  5. Karswell: You know I am loving the holly hell out of this!! But, to clarify my boob sighting reference; it was stated in my comments that the well marked areola was the rarity. An exposed nipple or breast was (as your post clearly delineates) not such a rarity. And aren't we all the better for it?

    Tits forever! And merry Christmas!

    Thanks for the plug, my friend!

  6. "Mrs. Cora Adams." Isn't that Neal Adams's first wife's name?

  7. Anonymous12/22/2010

    I'll forgive you this time for not giving us the back story on that first terrific cover piece. What with all the marvelous muffins on display inside.

  8. "Tits forever and Merry Christmas" beats "God bless us everyone" hands down!

  9. >never knew Eerie Pubs. got so sexy!

    Well it's not porn, but yeah...

    >caption in the final panel seems like a real afterthought.

    I agree, it's like they missed the simple, matter of fact point from the original.

    >That Tomb cover is one of the best they ever did.

    I love it too, just wihs my copy wasn't in such crummy shape... can't beat a $3 antique mall find though!

    >This guy waited until she turned ugly, then made his decision

    Yeah, I don't know about you but I think I could probably live with her vampirism... I mean, she loves to suck, right?

    >You know I am loving the holly hell out of this!!

    Holly for everyone, just in time for xmas!! Happy Holidays to you too Myk!

    >"Mrs. Cora Adams." Isn't that Neal Adams's first wife's name?

    Anybody know?

    >I'll forgive you this time for not giving us the back story on that first terrific cover piece. What with all the marvelous muffins on display inside.


    >"Tits forever and Merry Christmas" beats "God bless us everyone" hands down!

    I had a feeling we'd be seeing and hearing from Chuck on this post, haha... thanks for the comments everyone, and Happy Horridays from the night crew here at THOIA!

  10. Anonymous12/24/2010

    Well, her name is Cory (she still colors some of Adams work) but I don't know if her proper name is Cora.
