Monday, April 28, 2008

Carolyn Jones

Happy Birthday Carolyn Jones, probably most famous in her timeless role as Morticia Frump Addams, but also many memorable performances in such classics as House of Wax (’53), Invasion of the Body Snatchers (’56), Color Me Dead (’69), Eaten Alive (’77), and more. Plus countless great TV roles in Alfred Hitchcock Presents, Ghost Story, Kochak the Night Stalker, etc… and least we forget her as Marsha, Queen of Diamonds on Batman!

Born this day in Amarillo TX, in 1930. R.I.P.


  1. Anonymous4/28/2008

    A tremendously talented actress taken from this world much much too soon.

    Happy Birthday Morticia!

  2. Anonymous4/28/2008

    Her playing of Morticia remains as strong, beautiful and funny today as when the show was created.

  3. Thanks for this tribute. I didn't realize that she was in House of Wax. I just watched that last week, and I completely didn't recognize her. Now I want to watch it again. She was very brilliant and understated as Morticia.


    Unspeakable Horror dot com!

  4. Anonymous4/28/2008

    god another scream queen bites the dust

  5. >god another scream queen bites the dust

    Not to be confusing anyone here but she died in '83, today is her BIRTHDAY.

    "She gave joy to the world."

  6. I love that second picture you posted. She looks simultaneously elegant, smart and spooky. Perhaps she was a natural for the part of Morticia.

  7. That second photo there is amazing. I always preferred the Addams family to the Munsters--the humor was more twisted, less broad, slightly surreal instead of slapstick. And let's face it, Morticia had it all over Lily Munster, as great as Lily was.

    HB, RIP.

  8. >>She looks simultaneously elegant, smart and spooky.

    Not to mention "altogether ooky." :)

  9. I remember being sad when I heard she had died. Even back then I thought 53 was way to young to die.

    One thing about the Addams Family, it hasn't become dated like some old shows.

  10. I positively worship Carolyn! I have pictures of her all over my house. Since the first time I saw her play Morticia when I was just a little kid I fell helplessly in love with her. Those eyes are so hauntingly beautiful.
