Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Wailing Woman in the Haunted Bed

Just a couple of one-page quickies found in various issues of Pines horror comics from the 50's for you today. And as I work on a larger story for our next post, realize that you still get La Llorna, some goofy grave stones, and a mattress of the macabre to tangle with! So hang in there, we'll be right back.


  1. I always liked the one pagers, sometimes a quick tale is better than a tale needlessly stretched out.

    We all know this blog is a labor of love, and life loves to throw us curveballs, so take your time in posting, don't burn yourself out.
    Too many bloggers have given up posting due to various reasons, THOIA and AEET are two of the best blogs and have lasted the longest.
    Take your time when it comes to posting, we are all smart enough not to kill or overwork the proverbial golden goose, and as always, thanks for all you do.

  2. Any fan of the movie BLOODY PIT OF HORROR might find a well-built man in a red hood more funny than scary, since that film has such a "camp classic" image.

  3. A woman with a "intriguing" and "beautiful figure" but a skull face? And not Fantomah? That sounds like a good "one bag" solution!

    I remember when I was young, maybe in a school magazine, an article on funny epitaphs. Got some good ones here, and I like the more cartoon-y grim reaper. Good job on some of the lettering, too!

    I really want to know what's up with that bed! Why only half? Who is the strangling hang man? The wailing woman gives us a good backstory, I'm missing that here.

    I like these one pager urban legend like stories! Always glad to see them posted here. And comedy monster stories, too, it's an interesting diversion from the usual horror.

  4. It's interesting to see a version of La Llorona that edits out the children. I'm not surprised that a mother murdering her babies in a fit of anger may have been a bridge too far. It's worth noting that precode comics were mainstream entertainment during a pretty conservative era in US culture. The senate may have been clutching their pearls, but the publishers themselves were very often toeing the line.

    I am also pretty delighted by the tidbit that only half the bed was haunted. What a marvelous detail! I never thought in terms of partial hauntings before, although I guess I've read plenty of stories in which the spooky phenomena was confined to a single room of a house or a specific bend in the road. But tell me this: If a bed is only "half haunted"--and I presume that means laterally, as in "the left half is haunted"--does that mean if you split the mattress and box springs up into new bed sets that those are then "quarter haunted"? I feel like the resulting half-ghost who showed at night would be a lot more terrifying, even if his ability to strangle his victims was mostly mitigated.

  5. Thank you for the kind words, I’ve just been out of town for a bit, took a couple day trips but things will get more on schedule as we get closer to October!
